
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Experiencing the Divine: Moments of Awe, Revelation, and Connection

By Naseer Ahmed, New Age Islam 14 September 2024 “Had the most incredible time experiencing the infinite variety of nature... From the deepest blue of lake Tahoe to the solemn towering greys of yosemite mountains.... From the dense pine forests to the turbulent waters of pacific. The best part is having your family around you sharing in the joy & wonder of the moment! Not to forget watching the gigantic arch of the Milky way, with a million stars, sprawling across the glacier point in the strange stillness & silence of the darkest midnight... Never did I feel so awed & humbled in my life. The politics, competitiveness, ego hassles and Arudhas looked so petty & inconsequential in the presence of that immeasurable timeless beauty! Thought I was taking a break from jyotish... But the Light has a way of following you & finding you...” (Lakshmi Ramesh) Experiencing divinity is a profound moment where the boundaries between the self and the universe blur, and a sense of connection to a greater, infinite presence is felt. It can happen in the stillness of contemplation, in moments of awe, or when the mysteries of life suddenly make sense. These experiences transcend ordinary perception, offering a glimpse into the sacredness of life itself. The following are reflections on how divinity manifests in different facets of life. Experiencing God in Nature There is a deep, almost primordial connection between humans and nature. When confronted with the vastness and beauty of the natural world, one can’t help but feel small, humbled, and simultaneously interconnected with something larger than the self. In the words of my friend Lakshmi Ramesh, a Vedic astrologer of international standing with many disciples and followers, she recounts her experience: “Had the most incredible time experiencing the infinite variety of nature... From the deepest blue of lake Tahoe to the solemn towering greys of Yosemite mountains.... From the dense pine forests to the turbulent waters of Pacific. The best part is having your family around you sharing in the joy & wonder of the moment!" Here, the immensity of nature—from the depths of Lake Tahoe to the majestic Yosemite mountains—elicits a profound sense of awe. These natural wonders become gateways to experiencing the divine, reminding us of the enormity and complexity of creation. It’s as if the layers of life’s daily struggles, competitiveness, and ego melt away when faced with such grandeur. In its purest form, nature has a way of dissolving human preoccupations, allowing space for one to feel divinity. “Not to forget watching the gigantic arch of the Milky Way, with a million stars, sprawling across the Glacier Point in the strange stillness & silence of the darkest midnight... Never did I feel so awed & humbled in my life." In witnessing the vast arch of the Milky Way, she is overcome by the grandeur of the universe. In that moment of stillness, the timeless, immeasurable beauty makes human concerns seem insignificant. This is a direct experience of God’s presence through awe and wonder—a reminder of the sublime forces at work in the universe, forces far beyond human control. Experiencing God in Revelation and Understanding There are also moments when one feels a divine connection through the discovery of deeper meaning, as when the mysteries of sacred texts like the Quran or the Vedas reveal themselves. In such moments, the divine seems to communicate directly, providing answers that resonate on a profound level. You experience God when a verse whose meaning eluded you for years suddenly becomes clear in light of a new scientific discovery. For instance, the Quran’s verse: “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the Truth.” (Quran 41:53) This verse reflects the idea that divine truth is revealed both through the external world and within the self. When modern scientific discoveries affirm ancient spiritual truths, the connection between divine wisdom and human understanding becomes tangible. This recognition brings a sense of ecstasy—God’s words, science, and personal experience converge in harmony. The feeling of revelation is a direct experience of divinity, where knowledge becomes a pathway to the sacred. Experiencing God in Contemplation and Science Pursuing knowledge and the quest to understand the universe are, in themselves, a form of worship. As one delves deeper into the intricacies of science and creation, the divine design becomes more evident. When contemplating the complexity of life, the precise balance of natural forces, or the structure of the cosmos, one feels an overwhelming sense of connection to the divine intelligence behind it all. You experience God in contemplating His creation, in other words, in the pursuit of science. For many, science is not separate from spirituality; instead, it is another lens through which to observe the magnificence of God. The perfect harmony of the laws of physics, the delicate balance of ecosystems, and the boundless universe all point toward an intelligence beyond human comprehension. As my friend, the Vedic astrologer notes, even while she thought she was taking a break from her practice, the light of divine knowledge found her: “Thought I was taking a break from Jyotish... But the Light has a way of following you & finding you.” This statement reflects the idea that divine experiences often occur unexpectedly, in moments when one is not actively seeking them. Whether through the study of the cosmos, nature, or sacred texts, these moments are an invitation to feel the presence of the divine in everything. Experiencing God Through Personal Inspiration There are moments when answers to deep, existential questions seem to arise spontaneously, as if placed there by a higher power. In times of reflection, the perfect insights, the words, or the solutions one seeks suddenly appear, seemingly guided by an unseen hand. These instances feel as though they are direct communications from God, moments when divinity aligns with human thought, and an overwhelming sense of inspiration fills the soul. This experience is often felt as a profound synchronicity—the realization that everything is connected, and that divine guidance is at play in our lives, often without us even realizing it. Feeling inspired, as though God Himself is offering direction, is one of the most personal ways in which we experience His presence. Conclusion Experiencing God is a deeply personal and transformative process that can happen at any moment—whether in the natural world, through the revelation of sacred texts, or in the pursuit of scientific understanding. Each of these moments of awe, insight, and wonder is an invitation to see beyond the mundane, to experience the divine, and to recognise the infinite wisdom and beauty that permeates all of creation. These moments remind us that the sacred is not something separate from our lives but intertwined with every experience, every discovery, and every moment of inspiration. ----- A frequent contributor to, Naseer Ahmed is an Engineering graduate from IIT Kanpur and is an independent IT consultant after having served in both the Public and Private sector in responsible positions for over three decades. He has spent years studying Quran in-depth and made seminal contributions to its interpretation. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism