
Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Arbaeen of Imam Hussain (A.S) in Najaf and Karbala: A Resolve to Solidify Peace and Justice!

By Ghulam Rasool Dehlvi, New Age Islam 29 August 2024 Muslims And Non-Muslims Walking Together As Arbaeen Pilgrims To Recall The Martyrdom And Message Of Imam Hussain (AS) Against Oppression Is Epoch-Making. It Was Pertinent That They Showed Solidarity With The Palestinian Civilians, Striving For Justice In A Manner Reminiscent Of Imam Hussein’s Struggle In 680 AD. Main Points: 1. The Arbaeen pilgrims have been known for their resolve to foster global peace, counter terrorism and help in solidifying interreligious and intrafaith harmony and even Shia-Sunni sectarian unity across the globe. 2. Often threatened by the ISIS and other extremist and terrorist organisations, the Arbaeen pilgrims in Najaf and Karbala have systematically been attacked by suicide bombers and even rockets sometimes. 3. But the terrorists have only added to their unceasing determination and courage of conviction which was exhibited during the Arbaeen pilgrimage this year as the world’s largest annual spiritual pilgrimage gathering in one place. 4. The Al-Aqsa International Call Conference being held from August 27-29 in Karbala has attracted 150 delegates from 65 countries. Participants include Arabs and Africans, Iranians and Malaysians, Indonesians and Indians, Europeans and Latin Americans, Shias and Sunnis, Hindus and Christians. ------ The gold-leafed dome of the Imam Hussein shrine ----- Wronged by the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphs and later curbed by Iraqi dictators, the spiritual walk or pilgrimage from Najaf to Imam Hussain’s shrine in Karbala— called Arbaeen—has been a frequent target by the terrorists. Often threatened by the ISIS and other extremist and terrorist organisations, the Arbaeen pilgrims in Iraq have systematically been attacked by suicide bombers and even rockets, leaving hundreds dead. But the terror mongers have only added to their determination and fearlessness during the Arbaeen pilgrimage. Since it was reintroduced in 2003 after the Shia majority gained power in Iraq for the first time, the Arbaeen pilgrims have been known for their resolve to foster global peace, counter terrorism and help in solidifying interreligious and intrafaith harmony and even Shia-Sunni sectarian unity across the globe. Arbaeen or Arba’in in Arabic is what we call in Urdu ‘Chehlum’—meaning: 40th, which marks the 40th day of commemorating the martyrdom (Shahadat) of Imam Husain bin Ali AS. Therefore, Arbaeen is seen as a symbol of struggle for peace and resistance against injustice and oppression. The core values of patience, perseverance, and sacrifice embodied by Imam Hussain (AS) and his noble family and companions are well-embedded in Arbaeen which invokes the pilgrims to strive for a more just and compassionate world. The Arbaeen-2024 which began on Sunday (25 August) has been recorded as the world’s largest annual spiritual pilgrimage gathering in one place. Walking 80km from Najaf, where the holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS) is located, to Karbala—the graveyard of Imam Hussain, millions of pilgrims (Zairin) from across the world including thousands from India gathered in Iraq. Significantly, unlike the previous years, this year’s Arbaeen pilgrimage did not end up as a religious procession for Shiite Muslims only. It has become the biggest Islamic annual event on earth in which an army of spiritual pilgrims — with an estimated 95 per cent Shias—Sunnis as well as people of other faith traditions also partook. One of the visitors who was among a delegation of Arbaeen pilgrimage from France told this writer that several groups arrived in Iraq from Europe, America and Australia on foot from Iran. "Not only from the Arab world and other Islamic countries, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from India and Pakistan also turned up at Karbala to mark the Arbaeen of Imam Hussain. They were mostly seen with their Mawkibs distributing food, water and medical aid if needed. I felt spiritually overjoyed with them," says Lawrence Lecuyer, the French pilgrim at Najaf. Mawkibs serve as voluntary spots to help provide a variety of services to the Arbaeen pilgrims. At some Mawkibs, pilgrims are offered places to rest, while several others provide them with food and medical services at no cost. In previous years, the majority of Mawkibs were hosted either by Iraqis or Iranians. But this year, Arbaeen pilgrimage’s most famous Mawkibs were held by the Indians. Known as “Safar-e-Ishq” (spiritual journey of love), the spiritual tours which were operated from India marked enormous humanitarian generosity and hospitality. The most notable among them is Karwan-e-Hind—one of the biggest Mawkibs on the way towards Karbala from Najaf Ashraf in Iraq, which was set up by Mumbai-based Mohammad Ali Budhwani. A 24 hours open-for-all Mokib, the Karwan-e-Hind which spanned over 5.5 acres of land, served over 15,000 people from across the world each day for 13 days. Bringing around 22 cooks and chefs from different parts of India, it served the Arbaeen pilgrims free food, water and juices and provided them medical treatment as well. Volunteers from across the world joined the Karavan-e-Hind to serve the pilgrims of Arbaeen e Imam Hussain (AS). Beyond religious and national boundaries, people of various religions united at the Arbaeen-2024 to help humanity and create solidarity against the injustices being perpetrated in different parts of the world. This introduced a new dimension to the Arbaeen pilgrimage this year. Millions of pilgrims who were experiencing a sense of despondency on injustice and oppression being meted out to the Palestinian civilians, formed a larger anti-genocide campaign in Iraq. Thus, a collective sentiment has been created through this Arbaeen which is unprecedented in the recent history. Muslims and non-Muslims walking together as pilgrims of Arbaeen to recall the martyrdom and message of Imam Hussain (AS) against oppression and tyranny is epoch-making. It was pertinent that they showed solidarity with the Palestinian civilians, who are striving for justice in a manner reminiscent of Imam Hussein’s struggle in 680 AD. It is in this backdrop, in an atmosphere of the Arbaeen commemoration, that an active participation of prominent international figures with Palestinian symbols was seen in Iraq. The third “Al-Aqsa International Conference” which kicked off in Karbala brought together noted ulema from both Sunni and Shia factions under the auspices of the Secretary-General of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine. Organized by the Global Campaign for Right to Return to Palestine, the Karbala conference is titled "Palestine and Imam Hussain: The Global Dimensions of the Messengerial Personality and the Humanitarian Cause)". The first activities began with the visit of the participating delegations to the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS). Last year, even Indian ulema and Urdu editors and writers were specially invited. The conference stressed the importance of holding the conference annually to garner the global support for the Palestinian cause. This year, the Al-Aqsa International Call Conference being held from August 27-29 in Karbala has attracted 150 delegates from 65 countries. Participants include Arabs and Africans, Iranians and Malaysians, Indonesians and Indians, Europeans and Latin Americans, Shias and Sunnis, Hindus and Christians. It is noteworthy that the Arabeen Walk, inspired by the one in Karbala, was also held in different parts of India with much fervour this year. Hundreds of students from Kargil, Ladakh, Kashmir to Delhi gathered to commemorate the Chehlum of Imam Hussain and his companions. On August 26, the Arbaeen Walk was organized at two separate locations for girls and boys in Delhi. A procession began from New Delhi Railway Station, covering approximately 8 kilometres to Shah-e-Mardan, Jor Bagh, where it concluded. While Shia students recited Nohas in Urdu and other local languages, many Sunnis chanted Slogans like “Ya Ali”, “Haidar” and “Ya Hussain” with great enthusiasm. The motif was to highlight the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions in their battle for justice against evil. The soul-stirring Marsiya recitals by Zakireen (reciters and singers) and a symbolic Zuljanah Sharif procession which is taken out from different localities and Mohallahs to Imam Bargahs, with many mourners participating in the solemn ritual, are worth seeing. These congregations are deeply moved by the poignant accounts of the sacrifices made by Imam Hussain (AS) and his noble family in Karbala. On the Arbaeen, pilgrims and reciters not only shed light on the life and martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) but also recall the pivotal role of Bibi Zainab (SA), the Imam’s courageous sister who stood firm against tyranny and oppression in the face of unimaginable loss. Her powerful speech in the court of cruel Yazid in Syria "Khutba-e-Sham" stands out afresh in our memory as an eloquent and insightful sermon against injustice and oppression. She retorted the tyranny of her times, as relayed by Imam Zainul Abidin, the surviving son of Imam Hussain (AS) who later became a mystic and scholar. It is worth recalling her words again: "O Yazid, do you believe that you have succeeded in closing the sky and the earth for us and that we have become your captives just because we have been brought before you in a row and that you have secured control over us? Wait for a while. Do not be so joyful. Have you forgotten Allah’s saying: “And let not those who disbelieve ever think that [because] We extend their time [of enjoyment] it is better for them. We only extend it for them so that they may increase in sin, and for them it is a humiliating punishment.” [Qur’an 3:178]. ----- A Regular Columnist with, Ghulam Rasool Dehlvi is an Indo-Islamic scholar, Sufi poet and English-Arabic-Urdu-Hindi writer with a background in a leading Sufi Islamic seminary in India. He is currently serving as Head of International Affairs at Voice for Peace & Justice, Jammu & Kashmir. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism