
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Spiritual Meditations
22 Jul 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com
Power has No Life of Its Own; It Can Only Corrupt the Corruptible: Osho

By Osho
Jun 20, 2011,
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," famously said Lord Acton. I dare to disagree with him, because my understanding is that power certainly corrupts, but it corrupts only a person who is potentially corruptible.
He may not have been known as a corrupt person simply because he had no opportunity; he had no power.
Your Reflection
But power itself cannot corrupt a man who has no potential for corruption. So it is not the power that is corrupting the man; in fact, the power is simply revealing the man to you... If you look in a mirror and you see an ugly face, are you going to say that the mirror is ugly?