
Friday, August 26, 2011

Islam and Politics
30 Jul 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com
Pakistan's Lounge Revolutionaries

By Nadeem F Paracha
July 26, 2011
Unless Pakistan’s middle-class activists decide to work within the mainstream political edifice and participate in the evolving democratic process, they will remain no more than an irritant having only a nuisance value, becoming the harbingers of a television lounge revolution, at best.
There have so far been three major occasions in which Pakistani middle class has broken away from its traditionally conservative disposition to come out and announce ‘revolutionary’ political aspirations. The first time when this class began demonstrating political assertiveness was in the late 1960s when the bulk of its youth began to air grievances against Pakistan’s military-industrialist nexus headed by the first military dictator, Field Martial Ayub Khan.