
Monday, August 29, 2011

Islam, Women and Feminism
30 Jul 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com

Are Muslim women inferior to men as per Shariah and Islamic Tradition?

By Dr. Kausar Fatima
Translated from Urdu by Arman Neyazi,
When I was a student of Aalim, Faazil (religious degrees given by madrasas) I had lots of complaints from my God. I could not understand why He created us women with deficient intellect and poor religious understanding,Naquis ul Aqul wad deen? Why did he eternally ban us from going out of our houses with “W Quarn a fi Boutekunna”? I also had a complaint of ‘the men being appointed a supervisor on us, the women’. Why was every man given a higher position than us with “Al Rejalu Alaihinna Darjah” even if he is a moral deviant? Why were we given less share in property and why our evidence is taken as half of that of a man?
When I completed my Maulvi Degree, I had a book ‘Quran e Rejali Tafawwuq” which stated that in fact this world is created for the men and us women had a marginal role here. (Nauzo Billah). Litaskunu Alaiha. Had my education stopped there, for the rest of my life I would have taken Quran as a charter of patriarchal society.