
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Muslims and Islamophobia
28 Jul 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com
Europe Crosses the Threshold

By Osama al Sharif
No sooner had news of the terrorist blast that rocked the heart of the Norwegian capital Oslo and the carnage that took place on a nearby paradise island resort where a youth camp was being held reached media outlets than Western analysts and experts were quick to point the finger to Al-Qaeda and Muslim jihadists. It was a shameless and irresponsible act by pundits who have an enormous effect on public opinion.
Few hours later the truth emerged: The perpetrator was a white Norwegian fanatic, a Christian, who for years has been planning these attacks which claimed the innocent lives of more than 90 people. Anders Behring Breivik felt no remorse and admitted to the crimes adding that he wanted to spark a revolution against multiculturalism in his country, specifically against Muslim immigrants and the spread of Islam in Europe.