
Friday, September 2, 2011

Islam does not Preach Terrorism, Urdu Section,

Urdu Section
11 Aug 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com

Islam does not Preach Terrorism

By Mufti Mohd. Zahid Qamarul Qasmi
The most painful aspect of the age in which the Holy Quran was revealed was lawlessness, chaos and bloodshed. The extent of lawlessness can be gauged by the fact that no legal government existed in the Arab peninsula. The governments that existed around Arab believed in ethnic superiority and inferiority and it is impossible for the establishment of justice in a human society that is based on superiority and inferiority by birth. The revelation of the last book of God, the holy Quran began in such an atmosphere.
(EnglishTranslation from Urdu by New Age Islam Edit Desk available