
Saturday, September 3, 2011

What Next - A Sunni Bomb?, Islam,Terrorism and Jihad,

Islam,Terrorism and Jihad
12 Aug 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com

What Next - A Sunni Bomb?

By Pervez Hoodbhoy for
The Islamic Republic of Iran stands at the threshold to the Bomb. In 2010 it had more than enough low enriched uranium (LEU, some 2,152 kilograms) to make its first bomb’s worth of weapons-grade uranium, which could have been done in roughly ten weeks if this LEU had been fed into the 4,186 centrifuges that it was then operating . Thousands of other centrifuges are also known to be operating at Natanz. Even if it had not received a bomb design from Pakistan’s A.Q.Khan, the six-decade old physics of implosion devices would still not be a mystery to Iran’s sophisticated nuclear scientists. With sufficient technical capacity, it appears that Iran now awaits only a political decision to make the Bomb.