
Monday, May 28, 2012

Pre-election political scene in India and the Muslims, Islam and Politics,

Islam and Politics
Pre-election political scene in India and the Muslims
By B. Raman

Even the former Tony Blair government in the UK, which was very supportive of the policies of the Bush administration, expressed its discomfort over the conditions in which the Muslim detainees were kept in the Guantanamo Bay detention centre and in May 2006 publicly called for winding up the centre and transferring the detainees to the custody of the American civilian authorities from the custody of the military authorities. A similar demand has been voiced by many other democratic countries, by the International Committee of the Red Cross and by all human rights organisations of the West without exception. India's silence in this matter as well as over the repeated airstrikes by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan, which killed a large number of civilians, was an important source of anger. This silence was seen as the inevitable outcome of the growing Indo-US strategic relationship.