We are warned that there are tough times ahead. The month has seen much action on our border with Afghanistan. Our prime minister has said that he fears another 9/11 if foreign militants are not dealt with “sternly”. At the same time, his government seems to have lost the plot on the war on terror. The whole idea of a ‘homegrown’ policy lies abandoned. Once again, we are being told what to do.
But things are heating up. NATO recently retaliated over what it said was attacks from North Waziristan. One fears this is just the beginning. Many want to know who is in charge. While there is talk of coordination and consultation, the recent attacks on a Pakistani border post by American planes which led to several deaths is a case in point. The US says that it was never informed of the presence of such a post. Pakistan says that this is not true. In the confusion, precious Pakistani lives were lost.
One thing is for sure, however. The US administration feels, as usual, that the Pakistanis are not doing enough. We are being blamed for the faults and near-sightedness of others, apart from ourselves. President Bush says he is troubled by the consistent intrusions from the Pakistan side and so we have to do more. Not only do we have to stop the militants from causing havoc in Pakistan, we need to also stop them from crossing over into Afghanistan. Are we up to this challenge?
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