
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dutch wisdom placates Arabs and shows international dialogue can help, Islam and the West ,

Islam and the West
Dutch wisdom placates Arabs and shows international dialogue can help
By: Jamal Al-Awadhi

Many Muslims and Arabs were satisfied with the Dutch government’s declaration that it is not responsible for the film’s content and its strong denunciation of the film, which it says calls for violence. This was also predicted to trigger more violent reactions by the Islamic communities in Europe and Muslims worldwide.

Islam respects all the divine religions, and throughout the Islamic history, no Muslim dared to disgrace the prophets Jesus and Moses or others revealed in the other three divine books: the Old Testament, New Testament and Book of Psalms.

At this point, such events make the world more violent amid the currently dire situations, and therefore there is an urgent need for conducting broad international dialogues and activating the role of international organizations, particularly the ones having effective slogans such as those concerned with dialogue between religions and cultures.