
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Sufi-Yoga way: The power of Yoga with a Sufi heart

Spiritual Meditations
17 Aug 2009, NewAgeIslam.Com

The Sufi-Yoga way: The power of Yoga with a Sufi heart

The purpose of Sufi Yoga; it is a promise of pure ecstasy, joy, love and harmony.

One of the most brutal diseases of the mind is 'Fear', also known as 'Worry'. It arises out of a complete dependence on one's own self and the notion that 'the self' is independent.





This however is a false belief; this belief of independence is an ego trip, the very nature of ego. Think about it. Who is saying this?

The ego, of course. It wants to keep things in its territory and control; it survives because of its possessions and its self-identity. The ego is the seat of self assertiveness - of me, mine, myself.

Ego is the faculty that separates each one of us from each other. It is always eager to give itself credit for all that is, all that it possesses and all that it has earned. Its favorite dialogue is 'I am. You are not.'

'Impatience' is an ego's close friend. That is why, when a desire is unfulfilled, ego calls upon this dear friend. 'Impatience' then uses its favourite weapons, whatever that maybe depending upon an individual's tendencies.

 In most cases it is 'Anger'. 'Anger' is a force that erupts from the ego and stems the 'Fear' of not being able to posses the object of desire or not being in control of the situation. The desire was created in the ego and then sent to its various counterparts, to get the job DONE.

So you see, 'Desire', 'Fear', 'Worry', 'Anger', 'Pride', 'Stress', 'Impatience' are all members of the same family.

A Sufi Yogi does not give any importance to the ego or identify with it. He knows it is hollow in relation to the outside world. So instead of battling with the ego, he chooses to submerge himself in the ocean of love. There, the ego gets no space to breathe; the power of love overwhelms it completely. The ego hates to surrender to love but loves demands nothing but a complete surrender from it. So much so that the ego disappears completely. It has no identity of its own, no name, no form. It is nothing; it becomes one with the whole.

Now, at this stage, the ego is united with the heart and is completely identified with the unchanging and the eternal. At this point, yes, the ego has an identity but the difference is that now its identity is linked with the unchanging. It experiences ecstasy, which it interprets as pleasure and the ego loves pleasure. Now it does not have to flit from one object to another; a complete identification with the 'real' has taken place. There is no place else to go. It is with everything, it has disappeared in to everything and finally, the ego and the whole are interdependent.

Sufism is the path of INTERDEPENDENCY. It believes everything is interrelated and nothing is independent.

Tell me, can the tree be independent from the earth? Can the tree free of the sun? The tree grows from the earth but moves towards the sun. All three are interdependent. Would you be able to live without inhaling air from outside? Can the baby live without a mother's womb? Everything is interdependent; on the sun, the moon, the earth, the water, the air, and humanity is all interrelated.

Therefore, not for a moment do I want to make you independent. It is an impossible task. You can spend a lifetime trying to be independent, but some day you will realize that all your efforts have only lead you to more trouble, more baggage and more accumulated worries This is because you (like all of us) persist in thinking that that you are the source of all that is and has been. And so, fear of experiences from the past will determine your future and you will be stuck in trying to make a better future. You will waste your energy trying to keep your body ready at all times for the next day and will never be able to relax. Or create harmony within yourself.

Sufism is the path that leads you to the realization of the forces of the universe, the potential of humanity, the power of unity, the feeling of expansion and the circle of receiving and giving. There is no beginning and there is no end. Only a complete disappearance into the eternal and becoming one with it is possible. Then all the falsity in life drops off by itself.

You will gain an understanding of life, which includes knowing how to be interrelated with everything that is, not just in the mind, but also in the other resonating centres.

You can call upon anything that you would like to have, as long as it is related to the betterment of yourself and others. It's like a business association with the universe. Except, earlier you were not aware of the divine profits but now you have become known to the unknown, you have partnered with it, you have re-established a lost connection with what always was and is and, in the process, the secret of success itself has been revealed to you.

Now you can become whatever you want. You will not be affected by anything. Emotions will simply come and go, like clouds in the sky, and you will remain a witness to their comings and goings. And when you want to become that what soars high, you will be it, you can be it. When you don't want it you can simply see it and smile at it while it passes by your conscious self. It is not important and it does not accumulate. You become the ocean and anything that comes to the shore plunges into the waves and gets drawn into this 'Ocean of the Infinite' and gets dissolved in it.

You don't have to be a special person or live a special life to experience all this. All you have to do is live using the powerful gifts that have been provided to us at source, and this process is the path of connecting with the source and empathizing with it. The experience is not confined to a definition; you have to live it. We all live it at on different levels, but for most of us the awareness is poisoned due to our false ideas of life and inherent selfishness.

Success comes easy once you are in sync with the ocean within the heart. Not the physical one, but the one behind the physical heart, the heart behind our waking, sleeping and dreaming states. It is this that brings us to life every day. It is this that gives us the power to say yes to life.

This is the power of Yoga with a Sufi heart.

I call upon everything that is living to see the mysterious picture of all that is and unite with the self, with others and with God.

This is the purpose of Sufi Yoga. And it is a promise of pure ecstasy, joy, love and harmony.
