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23 Sep 2009, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Qaddafi criticises the inherent unfairness of the United Nations | |
The steady rise of Islamic finance by Emily Buchanan and Bhasker Solanki CAIR: Penn. High School Drops Anti-Islam 'Obsession' Video New program provides answers on Islam by T. Gavin Nevill Indonesia's Islamic Schools: More Female Friendly by Carla Power Islam A. Siddiqui Nominated US Trade Office's Chief Agricultural Negotiator Empty roar from 'Lion of Islam' Afghan failure sans surge: top US military commander by Eric Schmitt & Thom Shanker Al-Qaida predicts Obama's fall by Muslim nation Tarek Fatah: Has Jack Layton converted to Islam? At Least 17 Killed in Fresh Somalia Clashes Something fresh from this Muslim choreographer by Vijaysinh Parmar, Attorney to terrorists organizes Muslim rally by Julia Duin Saeed under 'house arrest', was Pak army's iftar guest by Rajeev Deshpande & Vishwa Mohan, 'No guarantee that Pak will not use US tech against India' by Sachin Parashar Thousands of cows sent for slaughter each day to Bangladesh by Amitava Das Afghanistan could be lost within a year: Top US commander New York imam held in al-Qaida bomb plot probe Our goal is to protect US, allies from terrorists in Af-Pak: Hillary Pak draws up list of 83 high-profile terrorists Suspected ISI agent with secret papers arrested in Bihar Israel's army chief: All options on table vs. Iran Somalia faces worst food crisis in 18 years: UN 76 killed in south Sudan clashes: Military official Ahmadinejad proud of anger caused by Holocaust remark HC prohibits media coverage on hearing against Zia by Anisur Rahman EU condemns Ahmadinejad's comments on Holocaust Musharraf will return to Pak only under 'pleasant conditions' Israel: Iran attack not ruled out: Alastair Macdonald Compiled by Aman Quadri URL: -----
Qaddafi criticises the inherent unfairness of the United Nations By SHARON OTTERMAN September 23, 2009 Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan leader, took the lectern at the United Nations on Wednesday morning for his first address at the General Assembly and delivered a long and rambling diatribe — far exceeding the 15-minute limit on speeches — against the United Nations Security Council and a host of other perceived enemies, while urging the world to welcome President Obama, referring to him as "our son." In the first third of a speech that lasted more than 90 minutes, Colonel Qaddafi focused on what he called the inherent unfairness of the United Nations, which gives the five permanent members of the Security Council far more authority than the nations in the General Assembly. This, Mr. Qaddafi said, was dictatorship, not democracy and, as such, "was terrorism itself." "We are not committed to obeying or adhering to resolutions by the Security Council in its composition right now," he said, adding that the Security Council should be renamed the "Terror Council." At one point, he even tore the edge of the founding charter of the United Nations he held in his hand, saying he agreed with the document's preamble but nothing else. He said the organization's power dynamic should be reversed — to make the Security Council an instrument designed to "implement the will of the General Assembly." Wearing a traditional copper-colored outfit and a pin in the shape of Africa on his chest, Colonel Qaddafi gestured and glowered, with occasional reference to scrawled written notes, and at one point grabbed an audio device to check how his words were being translated. Ali Abdussalam Treki, the Libyan diplomat who now holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council, introduced him as the "leader of the revolution, president of the African Union, King of Kings of Africa."
An hour into his address, Colonel Qaddafi began calling for investigations into each of the major wars since the United Nations was founded: the Korean War, the war over the Suez Canal, the Vietnam War and the United States' wars in Iraq, which he called "the mother of all evils." The Afghan war, too, he said, should be investigated for possible prosecution. At times, Colonel Qaddafi veered into conspiracy, saying, for example, that the H1N1 influenza virus, also called swine flu, might be a military or corporate weapon that got out of a lab, and he intimated that an Israeli hand was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he said, should be solved by the creation of a single state, which Mr. Qaddafi called Israteen, but Mr. Qaddafi stressed it was wrong to infer that Arabs hate the Jews. "You are the ones who burned them, not us. You expelled them," he said, referring apparently to European nations. For Mr. Obama personally, however, he had only warm words, calling on the collected nations to welcome "our son" on the occasion of his first United Nations appearance. "We are content and happy if Obama can stay forever as the president of America," he said, saying he feared America would return to its old ways after the end of Mr. Obama's term. Brian Knowlton contributed reporting from Washington, and Neil MacFarquhar from the United Nations. Source: ---- Islam not synonymous with terrorism: Shabana Azmi September 23, 2009 Johannesburg: To say that Islam is synonymous with terrorism is "unjust and unfair", Indian actress-activist Shabana Azmi told an audience here as she launched a retrospective of her films. "I think that the 9/11 crisis also became an opportunity, became it was the first time that Muslims got together to make the world realise that Islam is not homogenous, that it resides in 53 countries of the world, and becomes the culture of the country in which it resides," Azmi said. The actress is on a tour of three South African cities this week as part of the `Shared History Festival` that showcases Indian art, culture and cuisine each year for a six week period. Participating in a discussion on Islam, Azmi said, "(Islam) is liberal in some countries, moderate in others, intolerant in some and extremist in the others. But it is not homogeneous. To say that Islam is synonymous with terrorism is unjust, unfair and cannot be accepted because it is a blatant untruth." Questioned on the situation with Muslims in India, Azmi said that Muslims in India had "ample room to aspire", but that did not mean that discrimination does not exist there. "Discrimination exists against minorities, it exists against women; it exists against Dalits. But the important thing is that there is a very robust civil society, and at the level of politics, that fights back and says this is not how we do it; so we have to draw comfort and strength from that." --- The steady rise of Islamic finance By Emily Buchanan and Bhasker Solanki London has become one of the biggest centres for Islamic finance in the world, with five Islamic banks, and many others in the high street offering Islamic financial products, or "windows" as they are known. The growth of Islamic finance has been an unexpected outcome of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre of 11 September 2001. Islamic finance is based on rules from Islam's holy texts - the Koran. Scholars claim the fundamental difference to conventional banking is that Islamic finance is more ethical. First it bans any form of "riba" or interest, preventing consumers being exploited by high rates of borrowing. 'Sinful' Secondly, it regards speculative trading as sinful. One of the world's leading experts on Islamic finance, Sheikh Hussain Hassan, argues the whole crisis in Western banking could have been avoided if these basic sharia principles had been followed. He said: "$600 trillion were wasted on options, futures and derivatives, all gambling. Sharia prohibited these kind of risks 14 centuries back." Some Muslims regard ordinary mortgages as sinful. The idea is for the lender and the borrower to share the risk. There are now more products on the market which help Muslims buy a house without paying interest. ---- CAIR: Penn. High School Drops Anti-Islam 'Obsession' Video September 23, 2009 The Pennsylvania chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-PA) announced today that a high school in that state has dropped an anti-Islam video listed for use in one of its classes. Earlier this month, CAIR-PA sent a letter to the superintendent of the Council Rock School District expressing concerns about a hate-filled video, "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West," listed in the syllabus of a course at Council Rock High School in Newtown, Penn. In her letter, CAIR-PA Director of Civil Rights Marwa El-Turky wrote in part: "'Obsession' is a vehicle for promoting anti-Muslim bigotry that seeks to blur the distinction between violent extremism and mainstream Islam. The use of such an inaccurate and inflammatory film in a world history class would inevitably result in both the promotion of stereotypes and the creation of a hostile learning environment for Muslim students. "The hate-filled agenda promoted by the film has been repudiated by the Hate Hurts America Multifaith Community Coalition (HHA), a group of religious and civic organizations seeking to challenge hate speech in our society…Those interviewed in Obsession constitute a veritable who's who of Muslim-bashers. "…this film is obviously not suitable teaching material for a captive audience of impressionable youth. We therefore respectfully ask that 'Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West' be dropped from the curriculum and that representatives of the local Muslim community be invited to offer balanced and accurate information about Islam and the American Muslim experience." In his response to CAIR-PA's concerns, Superintendent of Schools Mark J. Klein noted that the course was eliminated from the curriculum for the 2008-2009 school year and that, "Along with the elimination of this course, we will represent to you that this film will not be used in any other course in Council Rock." "We appreciate the school district's prompt and appropriate response and hope that any future courses touching on Islam will use accurate and balanced educational materials," said El-Turky. She noted that a high school in Kentucky was recently involved in a controversy over a similarly anti-Islam video shown in a classroom. The producer of that video, an extremist Dutch politician, recently called for a "head rags tax" on Muslim women who choose to wear Islamic scarves. Source: ---- New program provides answers on Islam By T. Gavin Nevill September 23, 2009 Dr. Tamara Albertini fields a lot of questions in class from students who are unfamiliar with Islamic customs. Sometimes, however, her students answer for her. "I've noticed many times with students who are girls and who come veiled, that it's something that almost grabs the conversation," said Albertini, professor and undergraduate chair of the philosophy department. "Like, 'Do you have to wear the veil?' Usually the girl will say, 'No. I do this freely.'" In 1979, a group of Muslim students at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa and community members formed The Muslim Students' Association of Hawai'i (now known as the Muslim Association of Hawai'i), the first official organization representing Hawai'i's Muslims, according to its Web site, Thirty years later, thanks in large part to Albertini's efforts, UH will now begin offering an undergraduate certificate in Islamic studies. Dr. Elton Daniel, a professor in the history department, said the certificate is coming at exactly the right time. "Let's face it. We're living in a post-9/11 world," Daniel said. "People are aware of just how important Islam is around the world, and we think that increasing knowledge about it, sensitivity about it, is important." Starting this spring, the College of Arts and Humanities will offer the 15-credit interdisciplinary certificate made up of classes from the religion, philosophy, history and art departments. Of the 15 credits, nine come from Religion 209, Philosophy 330 and History 354, which are required, while the other six credits can come from a list of other classes within the four departments. The list of classes to comprise the other six credits is still under construction by the professors in the various departments. Dr. James Frankel, an assistant professor in the religion department, believes that UH's take on Islamic studies is unique. --- Indonesia's Islamic Schools: More Female Friendly By Carla Power / Cirebon Wednesday, Sep. 23, 2009 When she was widowed two years ago, most people in the Javanese village of Babakan Ciwaringin expected Nyai Yu Masriyah Amva to marry again. They also assumed that the local pesantran, or traditional Indonesian Islamic boarding school, would close with the death of her husband, its head Islamic scholar. Neither happened. Bucking tradition, Amva decided that she would run the school. "If men can do it, then why can't I?" the 48-year-old recalls praying. "If you, Allah, are the source of all power, then why do I have to find someone else to run it? Just give me the power. I know that I can do it." After all, she reasoned Megawati Sukarnoputri, Indonesia's ex-president, was a woman, joining the ranks of "Benazir [Bhutto], and Elizabeth, and the woman Madonna played in that movie" — Evita Peron. Straight-backed, in red lipstick and maroon-and-white polka dots, a sheer black veil slipping off her hair, Amva strides around the campus of Pesantran Kebon Jambu, which takes its name from the guava orchards that stood there before the school's mint-and-white mosque and tile-roofed dormitories. Born in the village to a family of respected kyais, or Islamic teachers, she learned her Arabic and the study of the Quran and the Islamic traditions at her father's pesantran. "My grandfather and parents always hoped someday I'd become a respected scholar," she smiles, pouring tea in her airy her on-campus house. "But since my husband died, people say I have become a superstar." She recalls addressing a nervous student body the week she took over: "You don't have to be afraid because the kyai has passed away," she says she told the 700-odd teenagers. "You still have the greatest thing in this world: Allah. He is with us, and you will be guided by his light." This July's bombings at two five-star hotels in Jakarta and the 2002 bombings in Bali raised fears among counterterrorism experts that Indonesia's 12,000 pesantran were potential breeding grounds for radicalism. And while suicide bombers and radicals have been traced to a few schools notorious for their extremist teachings, others have been incubators for a more benign trend in the world's most populous Muslim nation: the development of feminist readings of the Quran and Islamic traditions. Indonesia's two largest Muslim political parties — the Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah — have intricate campaigns promoting women's rights. Indonesian feminists, male and female alike, have worked with progressive pesantran to develop women-friendly interpretations of shari'a — a radical break with the conservative notions of shari'a across the Muslim world, which tend to be heavily reliant on the world views of medieval — and male — jurists.,8599,1925584,00.html?xid=rss-world ---- Islam A. Siddiqui Nominated US Trade Office's Chief Agricultural Negotiator 2009-09-23 Islam A. Siddiqui, a prominent Indian American agricultural scientist, has been nominated for the post of the Chief Agricultural Negotiator in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative by the US President Barack Obama on Tuesday. This is a spot which is very vital as the global negotiations related to agriculture are becoming tough now. Islam A. Siddiqui took his Bachelor of Science from the Uttar Pradesh Agriculture University. This nomination comes along with the nominations made by Barack Obama to 7 key posts. "I am grateful for the willingness of these fine individuals to serve my administration and I am confident that they will represent our nation well. I look forward to working with them in the coming months and years," Mr. Obama said. Islam Siddiqui, who is holding the post of the Vice President for Science and Regulatory Affairs at CropLife America, is responsible for the regulatory as well as international trade issues related to the chemicals which help in the protection of the crops. He had also been the CropLife America's Vice President for agricultural biotechnology and trade. He had also been a part of the Clinton Administration. ---- Empty roar from 'Lion of Islam' Amir Soltani Sheikholeslami and Rita Nakashima Brock IRANIAN President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, brazen denier of facts and history, is returning to the United Nations today. As with the UN Conference on Racism, Ahmadinejad is likely to repeat his blistering attacks on Israel and the United States in an attempt to pose as the Lion of Islam. Instead of applause, he should expect the silence of the Islamic world. In 2006, Ahmadinejad, riding a wave of Muslim outrage about the war on terror, wrote to President Bush about the abuse of Muslim detainees at Guantanamo Bay detention camp. "There are prisoners in Guantanamo Bay that have not been tried, have no legal representation,'' he wrote. "There is no international monitoring of their condition and fate. No one knows whether they are prisoners, POWs, accused or criminals.'' Though none of the suspected terrorists were Iranians, Ahmadinejad justified his intervention on the highest moral grounds: "I could not correlate the abduction of a person, and him or her being kept in secret prisons, with the provisions of any judicial system. For that matter, I fail to understand how such actions correspond to the teachings of Jesus Christ, human rights and liberal values.'' This time, when Ahmadinejad addresses the UN General Assembly, the Iran hoodwink is off. Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, is denying Muslims the legal protections Ahmadinejad demanded for Al Qaeda operatives. ---- Afghan failure sans surge: top US military commander Eric Schmitt & Thom Shanker, 22 September 2009 WASHINGTON: The top military commander in Afghanistan warns in a confidential assessment of the war that he needs more troops within the next year or else the conflict "will likely result in failure". The grim assessment is contained in a 66-page report that the commander, Gen Stanley McChrystal, submitted to defense secretary Robert Gates on August 30, and which is now under review by President Obama and his top national security advisers. The disclosure of details in the assessment coincided with new skepticism expressed by President Obama about sending any more troops into Afghanistan until he was certain that the strategy was clear. His remarks came as opposition to the eight-year-old war within his own party is growing. McChrystal's view offered a stark contrast, and the language he used was striking. "Failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in the next 12 months — while Afghan security capacity matures — risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible," McChrystal writes. He ends his summary on a cautiously optimistic note: "While the situation is serious, success is still achievable." But throughout the document, he warns that unless he is provided more forces and a robust counterinsurgency strategy, the war in Afghanistan is most likely lost. Full Report at: ---- Al-Qaida predicts Obama's fall by Muslim nation 2009-09-23 CAIRO (AP) — Al-Qaida on Tuesday released a new 106-minute long video predicting President Barack Obama's downfall at the hands of the Muslim world. The Arabic-language video, entitled "The West and the Dark Tunnel," is part of series of messages by the organization marking the eighth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Bin Laden released a short message of his own on Sept. 14. Like similar long messages on previous anniversaries, it featured testimony from several leading al-Qaida figures intercut with news footage from the past year. As in the past, al-Qaida attempted to conflate Obama with his predecessor, George W. Bush, who was widely disliked by Muslims for his invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Many analysts believe that al-Qaida has been alarmed by Obama's comparative popularity in the Middle East, especially following his landmark speech to the Muslim world in Cairo in June. "America has come in a new, hypocritical face. Smiling at us, but stabbing us with the same dagger that Bush used," said Al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri in the message. "God willing, your end will be at the hands of the Muslim nation, so that the world and history will be free of your crimes and lies," he said addressing Obama at the end of the two-part video. The message also featured several appearances of Adam Gadahn, also known as Azzam al-Amriki, an American who grew up in southern California, converted to Islam and joined al-Qaida. He was charged with treason in 2006 and there is a $1 million reward for information leading to his arrest or conviction. Gadahn's remarks celebrating the defeat of Bush and ridiculing Obama suggest the video was made in late August or early September. ----- Tarek Fatah: Has Jack Layton converted to Islam? September 22, 2009 "Might I ask, what has Omar Khadr got to do with Eid or Ramadan or with Muslims?" The annual Muslim holiday of Eid has come and gone, and once more the community has been showered with messages from politicians tripping over one other to prove their credentials as lovers of Islam and all things Muslim. I have an offer to make to all these men and women who stumble and mumble to utter "Salaam Alaikum" messages written by their Muslim staffers: If you are so enamoured by my faith and impressed by the conduct of my community, then stop these annual shenanigans and once and for all come join our ranks. Convert to Islam. Perhaps, some have already taken the plunge. Take for example this year's Eid message by Jack Layton. Addressing us Muslims as "Dear brothers and sisters" the NDP leader preaches the end of Ramadan "is an opportunity to renew the spirit and faith in Islam." I am waiting with baited breath to see Layton "renew" his faith in Islam. Will he be following in the path of Cat Stevens and Cassius Clay who became Yusuf Islam and Muhammad Ali? Or has he already embraced the 'Shahadah" (oath of Islam)? He goes on to say, "We are not celebrating the end of Ramadan, but thanking Allah for the help and strength given throughout this special month…". We? Oui! May I suggest a new name for Layton: Jack AsSalaam. After being lectured by Imams and mullahs; saints and sufis all my life to "renew" my faith, do I need to now hear these sermons from none other than Ustaz Layton? Over the years I have become accustomed to guilt-ridden politicians, who are otherwise atheists or agnostics, embracing my faith Islam as if it was newest fad in town. First it was George Galloway and Ken Livingstone, now Jack AsSalaam is to be our new Imam. As if to ensure his credibility and authenticity as the true pro-Islam politician in Canada, Layton invokes the names of some Muslim Canadians and his solidarity with them. No, he does not mention the CEO of Rogers or the Secretary-Treasurer of the CLC nor does he mention any of the Muslim Senators or MPs; trade unionists or physicians; janitors or economists. He assumes we Muslims do nothing other than pray and preach. That all of us are all linked up in varying degrees to religiosity and Islamic organizations ranging from the Taliban and Al-Qaeda to the local chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is why the name he invokes in his Eid message is that of Omar Khadr. He writes: "We will continue to call for the repatriation of Omar Khadr, and have introduced legislation to protect Canadian citizens abroad." Might I ask, what has Omar Khadr got to do with Eid or Ramadan or with Muslims?
Far too many politicians are today bending over backward to solicit votes from the Muslim Canadian community and in doing so naively believing that we Muslims take our political cues from men in beards and women in burkas. Full Article at: --- At Least 17 Killed in Fresh Somalia Clashes 21 September 2009 Witnesses in western Somalia say at least 17 people have been killed in new fighting between Islamist militants and government forces. Residents of Yeed, a town on Somalia's border with Ethiopia, say fighters from the insurgent group al-Shabab attacked government soldiers on Sunday. Both sides claimed victory in the clash, and it was not clear who controlled the town on Monday. Most of those killed are said to be combatants. Al-Shabab and its ally Hizbul Islam have been on the offensive since early May, calling for increased attacks against government and African Union peacekeeping troops. The groups are trying to overthrow Somalia's government and set up an Islamic state. On Sunday, al-Shabab released a new video in which militants are shown doing training drills and vowing their allegiance to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. The group staged a deadly suicide attack on an African Union peacekeeping base in the capital, Mogadishu, last week, killing 21 people. In the wake of the attacks, the AU special envoy to Somalia requested more weapons for the Somali government. About 4,000 AU troops from Uganda and Burundi are helping the government keep hold of key sites in the capital, including the seaport and the airport. Source: ---- Something fresh from this Muslim choreographer Vijaysinh Parmar, TNN 23 September 2009 RAJKOT: On the day when all Muslims in the city were busy celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr, Hanif Dal, 38, a rickshaw driver was choreographing a new raas with his troupe for Navratri. In Sadar Bazaar, which has a mix of Hindus and Muslims, he is better known as Taddan Navo' (very fresh) because he brings variations and innovations in choreography every year. In fact, he stops driving his rickshaw a month before Navratri as the girls in his residential area come to him to learn different styles of raas-garbi. "This is my life. Many a time, I want to stop it. But, when girls come to me and say You have to teach us raas', I'm overcome with emotion and their faith and affection induces me to give in. It's also because of my passion and devotion to Mataji," says Hanif. Most girls who learn from him are Hindus. He has been instrumental in popularizing traditional garbis among the young generation. "Those who had learnt raas from him send their daughters to Hanif now. He is a real keeper of traditions,'' says Sanjay Chauhan, a garba organizer in Sadar Bazaar.. Full Report at: ---- Attorney to terrorists organizes Muslim rally By Julia Duin A lawyer with a history of representing Islamic terrorists, including men connected to the 1993 and 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, is one of the chief organizers of a large Muslim prayer service intended as a show of American patriotism Friday at the Capitol. Hassen Abdellah is president of Dar-ul-Islam, the mosque in Elizabeth, N.J., that is organizing the event. He said the mosque began organizing the gathering, called "Jummah Prayer on Capitol Hill: A Day of Islamic Unity," several months ago to convey to Muslims around the world the freedoms enjoyed by their American confreres. The event has inspired enough rumors to warrant an entry on and a competing event on Friday at the Rayburn House Office Building sponsored by a group called Stop Islamization of America. Several Islamic groups have distanced themselves from the event. The Islamic Society of America (ISNA) and the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) say they will not be participating. Imam Johari Abdul-Malik of Dar Al Hijrah in Falls Church, the area's largest mosque, said he is attending but there will be no representatives from the All Dulles Area Muslim Society in Sterling, one of the region's largest mosques. Mr. Abdellah, as a lawyer, represented several terrorists. He was part of a legal team that represented Mahmoud Abouhalima, who was charged in the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, and also represented Faruq Brent, a Baltimore cabdriver who pleaded guilty in April 2007 to providing material support for Lashkar-e-Taiba, a terrorist group. He was briefly the attorney for Mohamed el-Atriss, who was convicted of selling fake IDs to two Sept. 11 hijackers, and represented Numan Maflahi, a New Jersey gas station owner who was convicted in 2004 of making false statements to federal agents. Full Report at: --- Saeed under 'house arrest', was Pak army's iftar guest Rajeev Deshpande & Vishwa Mohan, TNN 22 September 2009 NEW DELHI: Two FIRs against Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed and "restrictions" on his movements may not be more than eyewash. The 26/11 mastermind remains a valuable "asset" for Pakistan's military establishment and was an esteemed guest at an iftar hosted by the army's 10th corps. The JuD boss, who is also the head of the terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba, is understood to have been present at the iftar held on September 12. The 10th corps is headquartered in Rawalpindi and is seen to be responsible for the Kashmir sector with a role in pushing infiltrators across the Line of Control into J&K. The LeT is a major recruiter of jihadis sent into J&K. Official sources said the reports about Saeed's presence at the iftar only indicated how far the Pakistani authorities were from taking action against the man whom India has accused of planning the attacks on Mumbai. The JuD chief is seen to be virtually a part of the military-ISI set up and his views can even count in army postings in the sectors that face J&K. That the attention focused on Saeed and his LeT, who have been tagged by the UN for their use of terrorism, could not deter military brass from hosting him, is a testimony to his links with the Pakistani establishment. On Monday, the Lahore police said Saeed had been confined to his residence on security grounds and was banned from leading Eid prayers. Police have since affirmed that the move was prompted by concern for the JuD chief's security, and was meant to thwart any "incident" - shorthand for an attack on him. "We are ensuring his security in view of terrorist threats," an agency quoted Lahore SSP Sohail Sukhera as saying. The action follows FIRs lodged against Saeed for speeches in Faisalabad on August 27 and 28 glorifying "jihad" and are not linked to the Mumbai case. In one speech, he accused India of staging the terror attacks and labelling him a terrorist. Like the reluctance of Pakistan to book Saeed for 26/11, the so-called house arrests seem nothing more than token measures. Full Report at: --- 'No guarantee that Pak will not use US tech against India' Sachin Parashar, TNN 22 September 2009 EW DELHI: India's worst fear in the ongoing US-led war on terror along the Pak-Afghan border is Pakistan accessing and using American technology and aid to augment its conventional military strength against this country, but does the Obama administration's new "Af-Pak strategy" address this concern? According to Bruce Riedel, the former CIA official whom President Barack Obama had entrusted with the responsibility of giving shape to his Afghanistan strategy, there is no foolproof guarantee against Pakistan transferring US technology to its advantage against India. Riedel warned India in an interview to TOI that military assistance provided for one purpose can be "inherently" used for another purpose or adversary because it is "fungible" in nature. Riedel made the statement even as he added that Washington will look into all allegations of transfer of American technology provided to Pakistan. Pakistan has been pleading with the US for transferring crucial weapon technologies being used in the war on terror, including drones, to it to help it deal, as it says, effectively with terrorists operating out of its territory on the western border. Full Report at: --- Thousands of cows sent for slaughter each day to Bangladesh Amitava Das | Hingalganj (Sundarbans), September 22, 2009 Soon after the clock strikes midnight, the muddy roads on the Indo-Bangla border, at Sahebkhali in Sundarbans, become busy with trains of cattle being herded on a secret journey culminating in Bangladesh where they will be slaughtered for shipment as processed beef. The border at Chanralkhali village here on the bank of Kalindi river which separates Bangladesh and India has been a witness to the smuggling of truckloads of cattle from Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar for some time now. Ever since Cyclone Aila devastated the deltas and hit the Border Security Force (BSF) by damaging patrolling boats and breaching embankments and roads, there has been a manifold increase in smuggling aided by hapless villagers. "A recent spate in smuggling by villagers has put BSF jawans on high alert," says a jawan on duty at the border village, 100 km from Kolkata. The cyclone has destroyed all means of livelihood for 1.6 lakh people of Hingalganj by damaging houses and rendering field's saline. Sights of devastation are evident everywhere. BSF jawans say smugglers have taken advantage of the situation by engaging hapless villagers into smuggling cattle, bidi, garments and drugs at night. "Normally, the smugglers pay us Rs 200 for transporting cattle from one village to another. With more people offering to do so smugglers have cut the rates and are now paying half the amount," says Ramesh Mondal, a resident of Chanralkhali village. Most smuggling of cattle takes place at night usually in large boats deep inside the Sundarbans mangrove jungle which borders Bangladesh. "Attempts to smuggle goods by villagers have gone up considerably since the cyclone destroyed BSF patrolling boats and vigilance on foot was hampered along damaged roads and river embankments," Vikash Chandra, Deputy Inspector General of BSF South Bengal frontier which protects the border in Sundarbans said. Full Report at: ---- Afghanistan could be lost within a year: Top US commander AFP 22 September 2009 WASHINGTON: The top US and NATO commander in Afghanistan has warned President Barack Obama in a confidential report that the war against the Taliban could be lost within a year without more troops. In a blunt assessment of the eight-year conflict obtained by The Washington Post and published Monday, General Stanley McChrystal said a new strategy was needed, and warned that "inadequate resources will likely result in failure. "Failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in the near-term (next 12 months) - while Afghan security capacity matures - risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible," he wrote. The report was presented to Defense Secretary Robert Gates on August 30 and is being reviewed by the White House, with McChrystal widely expected to make a formal request to increase the 62,000-strong US force. McChrystal, who assumed command of international troops in Afghanistan in June, said the campaign in Afghanistan "has been historically under-resourced and remains so today." This fact risks "a longer conflict, greater casualties, higher overall costs, and ultimately, a critical loss of political support. Any of these risks, in turn, are likely to result in mission failure," he wrote. The 66-page document - a declassified version of which is published at -- describes a strengthening, intelligent Taliban insurgency. McChrystal was highly critical of a corrupt Afghan government and an ineffective strategy pursued by international forces that so far has failed to win over ordinary Afghans. "The weakness of state institutions, malign actions of power-brokers, widespread corruption and abuse of power by various officials, and (the International Security Assistance Force's) own errors, have given Afghans little reason to support their government," he wrote. Full Report at: --- New York imam held in al-Qaida bomb plot probe REUTERS 22 September 2009 NEW YORK: A New York City imam linked to an accused al Qaeda-trained militant was ordered to remain in custody on Monday as part of a US federal investigation into a suspected bombing plot. Ahmad Wais Afzali, 37, had been arrested on Saturday in New York on charges of lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the central figure in the case, Najibullah Zazi, 24, who authorities say admitted to taking bomb-making courses at an al Qaeda training facility in Pakistan. The FBI says it found notes on bomb-making on Zazi's computer and several backpacks at a home in the New York City borough of Queens where he had recently visited, leading to suspicions of an unspecified bomb plot. Zazi and his father, Mohammed Wali Zazi, 53, were arrested in Denver on Saturday, also on charges of lying to the FBI. They were due to appear in court in Denver later on Monday. All three Afghan-born men have maintained their innocence. They face up to eight years in prison if convicted. Magistrate Judge Cheryl Pollak of Brooklyn federal court ordered Afzali held until the next hearing on Thursday. Afzali, his bald head uncovered in court, had a long beard and wore tan robes. He blew kisses to family members in the gallery as he was led out of court and back to jail. Defense attorney Ron Kuby told the court he was working on a bail application, and prosecutors responded that they were uncertain whether they would oppose bail for the man who is well known in the Queens Muslim community and previously served as an informant for New York City police. Afzali and the Zazis are part of an investigation that led to New York City police and FBI raids last week on several apartments in Queens. The searches were triggered by a visit from Zazi, who had been under surveillance and was monitored on his journey from Colorado to New York in a rented car earlier this month. Full Report at: ---- Our goal is to protect US, allies from terrorists in Af-Pak: Hillary 22 September 2009 WASHINGTON: Asserting that the Afghanistan-Pakistan border is the epicentre of terrorism, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the goal of the Obama Administration is to protect the US and its allies from terrorists living in this part of the world. "Our goal is to protect the United States, our allies, our friends around the world, from what is the epicentre of terrorism; namely, the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, Clinton said in an interview with News Hour. "Some people say, well, al-Qaida is no longer in Afghanistan. If Afghanistan were taken over by the Taliban, I can't tell you how fast al-Qaida would be back in Afghanistan," she said. The Obama administration is trying to sort out all of the different factors and come to the resolution based on the best information it has, she said. Clinton said the new Afghan policy would be on hold till the new government in that country is in place. The results of the August 20 presidential elections are yet to be declared. It is taking an unduly long time than expected because of the large scale allegations of voters fraud. Full Report at: ---- Pak draws up list of 83 high-profile terrorists PTI 21 September 2009 ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has drawn up a list of 83 high-profile terrorists wanted for various crimes, ranging from an attack on former President Pervez Musharraf to fanning the separatist movement in Balochistan, with Baloch leader Bhramdagh Bugi topping the list. The list, prepared by the interior ministry, includes 41 terrorists from Punjab province, 21 from Sindh, 13 from Balochistan and eight from the North West Frontier Province. Bugti tops the list, with 31 First Information Reports registered against him, the Daily Times newspaper reported. A majority of the terrorists on the list belong to sectarian and terrorist group, including the Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan. A majority of the "most wanted" terrorists belong to the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan and are wanted for high-profile cases, including assassination attempts on Musharraf, former premier Shaukat Aziz and the army's Karachi Corps commander, blasts at the Sheraton hotel and foreign embassies and arms smuggling. ---- Suspected ISI agent with secret papers arrested in Bihar PTI 22 September 2009 PATNA: A dismissed jawan of the Indian Army working as an alleged ISI agent has been arrested here with "important military papers" relating to the Indo-Pak border, a top police officer said on Tuesday. Authorities described his arrest by the Special Task Force of Bihar Police as a "big catch", additional director general of police (Headquarters) Neelmani said. Acting on a tip-off by the Intelligence Bureau and other Intelligence agencies, the STF personnel raided a place under Kankarbagh police station and arrested Sudhanshu Sudhakar last evening, he said. Sudhakar, who was allegedly carrying "important military secrets relating to the western side of the Indo-Pak border," was booked under the Official Secrets Act. Neelmani said he was a dismissed a sepoy of the Indian Army. The state police headquarters has informed officials of the Union home ministry and top authorities of Intelligence Bureau about the arrest. Full Report at: ---- Israel's army chief: All options on table vs. Iran AP 21 September 2009 JERUSALEM: Israel's military chief said Monday that all options remain "on the table" in dealing with Iran's nuclear program, indicating that the Jewish state has not abandoned the possibility of a military strike. Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi's comments came a day after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Israeli officials assured him Israel was not planning to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. A senior Israeli government official also said the country's policy has not changed. Israel accuses Iran of trying to build nuclear weapons. While Tehran has denied the charge, it continues to threaten Israel with harsh statements while developing medium-range missiles capable. Speaking to Army Radio, Ashkenazi said the best way to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat was through sanctions against the regime. But he said Israel was preparing for every option to make sure the Islamic regime did not go nuclear. "The possibility of Iran becoming a nuclear power is a threat not only to the state of Israel, but for the Middle East and the entire free world," he said. "Israel has the right to defend itself, and all the options are on the table." Ashkenazi, who rarely gives interviews, essentially repeated Israel's formal position that Iran's nuclear ambitions should ideally be thwarted by diplomatic pressure, but a military option should not be discarded. Full Report at: --- Somalia faces worst food crisis in 18 years: UN AFP 21 September 2009 ROME: Drought, conflict and displacement are causing the worst humanitarian crisis in war-torn Somalia in 18 years, the UN food agency warned Monday. Some 3.6 million people, about half the Somali population, need emergency aid including 1.3 million people displaced by fighting in the Horn of Africa country, the Food and Agriculture Organisation said in a statement. Around 1.4 million Somali farmers face a severe drought, while some 655,000 poor urban dwellers face high prices for basic food staples, the FAO said. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis have fled their homes over the past three years of violence involving hardline Islamist movements and many more in total over the country's 18 years of almost uninterrupted civil chaos. Hunger also stalks other countries in east Africa and the Horn of Africa region, the UN agency said. The number of people depending on food aid in the region -- currently nearly 20 million -- "may increase as the hunger season progresses, particularly among marginal farmers, pastoralists and low-income urban dwellers," the FAO said. "Below-average rains combined with conflict and displacement are aggravating an already serious food insecurity situation in the region," it said. Full Report at: ---- 76 killed in south Sudan clashes: Military official AFP 22 September 2009, 12:52am IST JUBA (SUDAN): Seventy-six people were killed in clashes at the weekend in the troubled Jonglei area of southern Sudan, a military spokesman said today, revising an earlier toll. "There is a total of 76 killed and 46 injured. This includes a total of 22 soldiers (dead): 11 of them are from the SPLA, the other 11 are from security forces," said Major General Kuol Diem Kuol of the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA). "This is not a raid for cattle but a militia attack against security forces," he told AFP. Tribesmen from the Lou Nuer ethnic group raided the Dinka Hol village of Duk Padiet yesterday morning, forcing a company of soldiers based there to flee. Earlier reports from local authorities put the death toll at 27. More than 2,000 people have died and 250,000 been displaced in inter-tribal violence across southern Sudan since January, according to the United Nations, which says the rate of violent deaths now surpasses that in the war-torn western region of Darfur. Clashes between rival ethnic groups in southern Sudan erupt frequently -- often sparked by cattle rustling and disputes over natural resources, while others are in retaliation for previous attacks. However, a series of recent raids has shocked many, with an apparent sharp rise in attacks on women and children, as well as the targeting of homesteads. Full Report at: ---- Ahmadinejad proud of anger caused by Holocaust remark AFP 21 September 2009 TEHRAN: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that he was proud of the anger he had caused by calling the Holocaust a "myth," just days before he is due to address the UN General Assembly. "The anger of the world's professional killers is a source of pride for us," the official IRNA news agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying, in an apparent reference to arch-foe Israel and the United States. Western governments expressed outrage at the Iranian president's remarks, made during a keynote speech on Friday to an annual mass rally in support of the Palestinians. "The pretext for establishing the Zionist regime is a lie... a lie which relies on an unreliable claim, a mythical claim, and the occupation of Palestine has nothing to do with the Holocaust," Ahmadinejad had said. Washington said that the comments were "baseless, ignorant and hateful."The European Union said they "encourage anti-Semitism and hatred." Despite Ahmadinejad's defiant defence of his controversial remark, an aide insisted earlier today that he would be heading to the UN General Assembly with a message of peace. Full Report at: ---- HC prohibits media coverage on hearing against Zia Anisur Rahman, PTI Dhaka, September 17, 2009 Dhaka High Court on Thursday imposed a gag order on media coverage on court proceedings in connection with the hearing on a petition seeking to quash a graft charge against opposition BNP chief Khaleda Zia and her elder son Tarique Rahman. Lawyers familiar with the situation preferring anonymity said a two-member vacation bench of the High Court passed the order following arguments and counter arguments between judges AFM Abdur Rahman and Rezaul Hasan and Attorney General Mahbubey Alam on the petition. The court, however, refrained from giving any decision on the petition while the lawyers said the matter was now likely to be referred to the chief justice, who might sent it to another bench for hearing as Zia's lawyers reportedly took back the petition. Full Report at: --- EU condemns Ahmadinejad's comments on Holocaust Stockholm, September 21, 2009 The European Union on Sunday strongly condemned comments by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denying the Holocaust. "The presidency of the European Union condemns statements by President Ahmadinejad at the Quds Day rally in Tehran, where he repeated denials of the Holocaust and of the right to exist of the state of Israel," the EU statement said. "Such statements encourage anti-Semitism and hatred. We call on the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran to contribute constructively to peace and security in the Middle East." Ahmadinejad on Friday called the mass murder of Jews by the Nazis a "fairy tale" and urged continued resistance against Israel's "Zionist regime". "The Holocaust is a false claim, a fairy tale, used as a pretext for crimes against humanity," the Iranian president told an anti-Israel rally in Tehran. If the Holocaust was true, then it was committed by Europeans who should, therefore, also be responsible for compensation, he said. Iran does not recognise Israel and considers its government as the main root of all problems in the Middle East. "Even the crises in Afghanistan, Iraq and even Sudan are a plot by the Zionists," Ahmadinejad said. Full Report at: ---- Musharraf will return to Pak only under 'pleasant conditions' Press Trust of India Islamabad, September 21, 2009 Amid clamour to try him for treason, former President Pervez Musharraf who has been living outside Pakistan since mid-April, has said he will return to the country only when conditions are "pleasant". Musharraf, currently in the US for a lecture tour, said he will return home only under "pleasant conditions". Talking to Geo News channel after offering Eid-ul-Fitr prayers in Philadelphia, Musharraf also said he will not retaliate against those who are demanding his trial on charges of treason. The former military ruler ruled out the possibility of another coup in Pakistan. Musharraf's legal woes have been compounded since Pakistan's Supreme Court recently declared that the emergency imposed by him in 2007 was unconstitutional and illegal. The verdict has raised the possibility of his trial for treason. Several cases have been registered against him in courts across the country for his actions during his tenure as President and police in Islamabad have registered a case against him illegally detaining scores of judges during the emergency. ---- Musharraf will return to Pak only under 'pleasant conditions' Press Trust of India Islamabad, September 21, 2009 Amid clamour to try him for treason, former President Pervez Musharraf who has been living outside Pakistan since mid-April, has said he will return to the country only when conditions are "pleasant". Musharraf, currently in the US for a lecture tour, said he will return home only under "pleasant conditions". Talking to Geo News channel after offering Eid-ul-Fitr prayers in Philadelphia, Musharraf also said he will not retaliate against those who are demanding his trial on charges of treason. The former military ruler ruled out the possibility of another coup in Pakistan. Musharraf's legal woes have been compounded since Pakistan's Supreme Court recently declared that the emergency imposed by him in 2007 was unconstitutional and illegal. The verdict has raised the possibility of his trial for treason. Several cases have been registered against him in courts across the country for his actions during his tenure as President and police in Islamabad have registered a case against him illegally detaining scores of judges during the emergency. ---- Israel: Iran attack not ruled out: Alastair Macdonald Jerusalem Sept. 21: Israel has not given up the option of a military response to Tehran's nuclear programme, a senior official said on Monday, after Russia's President said his Israeli counterpart assured him it would not attack Iran. Israeli deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon was asked by Reuters if that comment by Israeli President Shimon Peres, as reported on Sunday by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, was a guarantee there would be no Israeli strike on Iran. Mr Ayalon replied: "It is certainly not a guarantee. "I don't think that, with all due respect, the Russian President is authorised to speak for Israel and certainly we have not taken any option off the table." Israel has long dismissed Iranian assurances that its nuclear programme is not intended to produce weapons and has said it would not tolerate such a level of armament in the Islamic Republic, which is avowedly hostile to the Jewish state. A Kremlin transcript of an interview Mr Medvedev gave to CNN on last Tuesday quoted him as saying that an attack on Iran would lead to "a humanitarian disaster" and risk provoking retaliation against Israel that would also affect other nations. "But my Israeli colleagues told me that they were not planning to act in this way and I trust them," Mr Medvedev added. Full Report at: URL: |
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