
Friday, August 14, 2009

An Indecent Attempt to Tarnish the Image of the Companions of the Prophet

Islamic History
04 Feb 2009, NewAgeIslam.Com

An Indecent Attempt to Tarnish the Image of the Companions of the Prophet


 Maulana Nadeem-ul-Wajidee critiques Arif Mohammad Khan's "fallacious" arguments on Yazid's succession and Karbala


Maulana Nadeem-ul-Wajidee analyzes the "fallacious" arguments of former union minister Arif Mohammad Khan regarding the occurrence of Karbala, bringing the Sahaba-e-Karam (companions of the Prophet) into disrepute with reference to Yazid's succession. He argues that a respect for all Sahaba-e-Karam is an essential part of Islamic faith. According to the Maulana the Sahaba could do no wrong and all their decisions have to be respected by all Muslims. He says that Mr. Arif Mohammad Khan's arguments against the succession of Yazid are just a rehash of Maulana Maududi's comments on the subject.


An Indecent Attempt to Tarnish the Image of the Companions of the Prophet


A critique of Arif Mohammad Khan's "fallacious" arguments on Yazid's succession and Karbala

By Maulana Nadeem-ul-Wajidee 

Transkated from Urdu by Syed Raihan Ahmad Nezami


A Delhi Urdu daily newspaper published recently an article "Hazrat Imam Aa'la Muqam and Yazeed Pleed" by former union minister A'rif Mohammad Khan. One would have thought that this article will talk about the greatness of Hazrat Imama Hussein in this article.  But you will not find a single point describing the greatness of Hazrat Imam (May Allah Be Pleased with Him). From the title it appears as if it is going to describe the great stature and character of Hazrat Imam (May Allah Be Pleased with Him), or throw some light on the occurrence of Karbala exposing the atrocities of Yazeed. Bu the writer has merely distorted the facts and criticized the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah Be Pleased with Them) with reference to the succession of Yazeed.


As this paper is read by the common man, I thought it better to present an analysis of the points of view of the writer in this regard so that, if any reader has got any misconception against the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah Be Pleased with Them) by the wrong notion, his confusion should be cleared.


Before analyzing the point of view of the writer, I want to make clear that the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah Be Pleased with Them) are not ordinary beings of the Muslim world, but they, having decent virtues and spiritual characteristics belong to such a group of the Muslims that is compared by the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) to the stars. Following any one of these persons can take us to "Nijat" salvation as they are the medium between the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and His "Ummah". Without their assistance, neither the "Tafseer" of the Holy Quran-e-Kareem can be understood adequately nor the teachings and the "Sunnat" of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).


Unfortunately, some groups in the "Ummat" are raising their voices and have made the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) the target of their repulsive condemnation in the name of research and criticism. Some are those who injudiciously criticize Hazrat Ali (May Allah be Pleased with him) and Hazrat Hussein bin Ali (May Allah be Pleased with him) in support of Hazrat Mua'wiya (May Allah be Pleased with him) and Yazeed bin Mua'wiya. Some are those who condemn Hazrat Mua'wiya (May Allah be Pleased with him) and Hazrat Mugheera bin Sho'ba (May Allah be Pleased with him) in favour of Hazrat Hussein (May Allah be Pleased with him). As a fact, all the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) are without any doubt honourable and respectable, no one can deny their distinct position and great significance in Islam that is well-approved by the Holy Quran-e-Kareem and the Hadeeth Shareef of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 


A'llama Safareeni (May Allah be pleased with Him) has written in the "Sharah Al-A'qeeda Al-Madeeat" that the whole "Ummat" is agreed on this point that the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) are considered only next to the Prophets. A'llama bin Abd-ul-Bir (May Allah be pleased with him) has also clarified in the preface of "Al-Asti'ab" that the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) are obviously, after the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), better and greater than all human beings as they possess all the qualities of justice and honesty to the fullest.

All the renowned Islamic scholars agree that the very first example of this Aa'yat "You are the best Ummah which has been created for the welfare and guidance of the people" in the Holy Quran-e-Kareem (Surat Aa'l E'mran, 110) is for the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them). Even the Almighty Allah Kareem has praised the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) in the Holy Quran Kareem.


The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the Messenger of the Almighty Allah Kareem and the people, "the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them)" who are with you, are very strong against the disbelievers "Kafiroon" and kind for the friends, are seen in the prostration of "Ruku" and "Sujood", they always seek the benevolence and conformity of " (Surat Al-Fatah, 29), the sign of the prostration "Sujood" is visible on their faces.


The Holy Quran-e-Kareem has clearly stated about the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them), " the Almighty Allah Kareem is Pleased with them, and they are Pleased with Him"( Surat Al-Maeda,119). Is it possible any Sahabee (May Allah be Pleased with him) will commit any kind of mistake to upset the Almighty Allah Kareem even after this permanent declaration of agreement. A'llama bin Taimiah has written in "Al-Sarim Al-Masloom ", when the Almighty Allah Kareem agrees with someone, He never disagrees with him and He agrees only with those, about whom he knows, will never commit any wrong to annoy Him. There are many references to the significance and greatness of the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) in the Ahadeeth Shareef also. (Some Rawayats are mentioned in my previous article, "A'ashoora-e-Muharram and the Occurrence of Karbala"). Here I would like to mention only one "Rewayat" that is mentioned in all the prominent books of Hadeeth Shareef.


According to Hazrat I'mran bin Haseen (May Allah be Pleased with him), The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) asserted, "The best time is mine, after that of those who follow it, and after that of those who follow it. The narrator says that he forgot as to how many times – two or three times --   He had mentioned about the people who will follow him, after that those people will come who will be ready to give witness without any demand. They will deceive and not safe-guard other's property, they will break their agreements, will not keep their promises. They will grow fat because of carelessness.

                               (Muslim Shareef, Part-4, Page-1962 Printed in Beirut)


The majority of the Islamic scholars think the respect of the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) is compulsory, they can't be mentioned with disrespect. Allama bin Taimiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) has mentioned the statement of Imam Ahmed bin Jambal (May Allah be Pleased with him), "No one should mention Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) with disrespect. If anyone is found disrespecting Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them), his or her Islam is doubtful". He further asserts, "It is also binding over the Ahl-e-Sunnat that the Muslims must maintain composure and purity of their heart and tongue in respect of the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them). 

                                    (Sharh-ul-A'qeedatul-Wastiya, Page-403)


 The books of Islamic Faith are full of such thoughts. According to Aqa'ed Nafsi, "This is the Faith of the followers of Islam that the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) should be mentioned with respect."

                                                     (Aqa'ed-ul-Nafsiya, Page-161) 


After this thorough discussion, now I take the article of Arif Mohammad. Khan. He has denounced two pious Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) in connection with Yazeed's khilafat – first his father Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) and second Hazrat Mugheera bin Sho'ba (May Allah be Pleased with him) the governor of Kufa in the reign of Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him).

The summary of the content of what Arif Mohammad Khan has written in regard to Hazrat Mu'awiah bin Abu Sufyan (May Allah be Pleased with him) is the following: "Hazrat Mu'awiah wished to compromise with the influential persons for the acceptance of Yazeed's khilafat. For instance, he sent one lakh Dirham to Hazrat Abdullah bin U'mar (May Allah be Pleased with him) and sought his agreement for the Bai'ah (Pledge) of Yazeed. He sarcastically replied that if the money was for that purpose, it meant his religion had become very cheap and returned the money."

Arif Mohammad. Khan has attempted to tarnish the image and pious characters of Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) in the following words: "Only this can be said for the people who approve or defend the reign of Yazeed – that the human freedom and rights in the light of the orders of the Almighty Allah Kareem can be used not only for right and lawful activities, but also for false and unlawful purposes".

Another victim of his bitter criticism is Hazrat Mugheera bin Sho'ba (May Allah be Pleased with him) against whom Arif Khan has gone to the extent of saying that he initiated the movement of appointing Yazeed as the Khaleefa (Caliph) when Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) removed him from the post of the governor of Kufa. He even gave 30 thousand dirham to his son Musa and sent him to Damishq to garner support in favour of Yazeed Paleed.


We can see the problem of Yazeed's Khilafat from two angles.

 – First Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) had appointed his son as his heir even when he was alive. The question arises, was it for the welfare and benefit of the Muslim community?

 – Second point is: did he appoint Yazeed for the welfare of the Islamic khilafat or just because he was his son?  Was this appointment correct according to the Islamic norms? As far as the question of correctness or incorrectness is concerned the fact that his decision to nominate Yazeed as his heir is simply a tactical mistake can't be denied. Later on, the consequences followed by this decision proved it as a fatal blunder; no matter how honestly it was taken.


It caused an irreparable divide among the Ummat-e-Islamia, the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) alive then had formed two groups and due to this rift, the brave, courageous and pious Hazrat Imam (May Allah be pleased with him) had to sacrifice his precious life, later on, this incidence became the root-cause of a permanent difference and divide.


Yet it is not judicious to blame Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) for having taken the decision to nominate Yazeed simply to serve his personal lust for power even crossing the religious limits. He had justly nominated Yazeed as his heir. As some Islamic clerics opine, "If anyone is nominated as his heir by the present Khaleefa (Caliph), it is compulsory and binding to be accepted by the whole Ummah. The renowned scholar A'llama Marordee (May Allah be pleased with him) and Hazrat Shah Wali Allah too have the same opinion.


Hazrat Maulana Md. Taqee U'smani Mudzillahu has expressed his views in his book "Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) and the historical facts" in the following words with reference to the famous scholar and writer Qazi Abu Yalie Al-Fara Al-Hasneli. "It is lawful for the Khaleefa (Caliph) to nominate such a person as his heir who is his son on condition, that he must possess the characteristics of a Khaleefa (Caliph). (Page-108)


Now the question arises whether Yazeed was eligible for Khilafat or not? In this regard, the two statements of Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) that he had given before the people after the Yazeed's nomination.Once, he had asserted, "O' Almighty Allah Kareem, You know it better, if I have nominated Yazeed as heir because he is eligible to that in my opinion, bless his succession (Wilayat), and if I have nominated him because I love him, don't bless and complete his succession (Wilayat)". 


                                 (Al-Bedaya wa Al-Nihaya, Part-8, Page-80)


On another occasion, he asserted, "O' Almighty Allah Kareem, if I have nominated Yazeed as heir on the ground of his greatness, take him to that destination which I have hoped for him and help him. But if the love of the beloved father has instigated me for the decision, kill him before he reaches the destination of Khilafat.

                                                   (Tareekh-ul-Kholafa, Page-262)


After the above statements, it is absolutely unjustified to consider that Yazeed was ineligible for his nomination was based on the bias of Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him). If it is so-then no doubt it proves to be the wrong tradition of not observing the consequences in the truer light, reason being the extreme hatred for Yazeed. Anyway, it is not expected from a sincere Sahabee such as Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) that matters of great significance like "Khilafat" will be affected by his personal like or dislike or will be considered for an individual's appeasement or for the benefit of the family.  Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) needs no introduction in the history of Islam. He is a Sahabee of such a great status and eminence who had performed the utmost important duty of "Writing Wahee (revelations)" and was often seen along with the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) as he had no other important work. "Writing Wahee" was a great task which required abundant amount of knowledge, learning and honesty and his selection for this task was made because these qualities were available in him in abundance.


As the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) was quite pleased with his responsible work, He (Peace be upon Him) often prayed for him in his supplication.

Sometimes, He (Peace be upon Him) prayed for his guidance by the Almighty Allah Kareem.

 Sometimes, He (Peace be upon Him) prayed in these words, "O' the Almighty Allah Kareem make Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) adept in Mathematics.

 Sometimes, He (Peace be upon Him) prayed to keep Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) safe from the Fire of Hell.

Once, He (Peace be upon Him) prayed like this, "O' the Almighty Allah Kareem, fill his heart with learning"


 The prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) had great respect for the understanding and honesty of Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him). Once Hazrat Shaikhoon Hazrat Abu Bakr (May Allah be Pleased with him) and Hazrat O'mar (May Allah be Pleased with him) were discussing a matter without reaching a solution, the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) asked them, "Call Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) and take his advice. He will give a good suggestion as He is quite honest and possess a strong decisive nature.


A lot has been written on these qualities of Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) by Hafiz bin Abdul Bir in "Al-Asti'ab", by Hafiz bin Hajr in "Al-Asaba, by Hafiz Zahbee in "Tareekhul-Islam" and by Hafiz bin Katheer in "Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nehaya", for reference, these books can be consulted.


In the light of the above discussion, it is clear – behind the nomination of Yazeed as heir – no individual selfishness or paternal love was the stimulant, rather in the words of Allama bin Khildoon (May Allah be pleased with him), "Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) had nominated his son Yazeed as his heir in place of any other so that the unity and the integrity can be maintained among the Umma. The intellectual group of Banu Umai'ah had given his consent to this matter because of the prevailing situation at that time, so there was very little possibility of agreement on any other name except their own people who were considered the men of rank and repute in Quraish at that time. Nothing else can be expected from Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) who was a man of great justice and prudence and a significant Sahabee".

                                            (Muqadma Ibn Khaldoon, Page-377)


Hazrat Mugheera bin Sho'ba (May Allah be Pleased with him) is also considered among the prominent Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them). He is such a great Sahabee whose characteristics are mentioned even in the Holy Quran-e-Kareem. It is quite known through certain "Rewayats" that he had been trusted in every era - from the era of the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) to the era of Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) and was entrusted with the duties of great significance.


   Hazrat Mugheera bin Sho'ba (May Allah be Pleased with him) is categorized among the Sahaba-e-Karam who got the chance of (Pledge) Bai'ah-e-Ridhwan in 6 Hijri at the time of Hodeebiya Agreement. About those people who performed Bai'ah (Pledge) at that occasion on the pious hand of the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), the Holy Quran-e-Kareem declares about the Almighty Allah Kareem's agreeing with them in Al-Surah "Fath", "Indeed the Almighty Allah Kareem was pleased with the believers when they gave the Bai'ah (Pledge) to you, O' Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) under the tree". That's why this Bai'ah (Pledge) is called Bai'ah-e-Ridhwan in the religion Islam and the history books. These Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) were also involved in the mission "Gazwa-e-Tabuk" in 9 Hijri. This mission "Gazwa" is highly remembered for the hardship and atrocities tolerated by the Mujahedeen whose tolerance and patience did not waver for a while. The Almighty Allah Kareem became so much pleased with them that He announced abundant blessings, offerings and rewards for them. This incident is mentioned in the "Aayat" 11 of "Al-Sura Touba". Hazrat Mugheera bin Sho'ba (May Allah be Pleased with him) tops the list of the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) who were known for their perfect insight and understanding. So he was appointed the governor of Kufa by none other than the intellectual and intelligent Khaleefatul-Muslemeen Hazrat U'mar Farooq (May Allah be Pleased with him). This post remained with him till the reign of Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him).


It is beyond imagination that any Sahaba-e-Rasool can go to this extent that he will give wrong suggestions to "Khaleefatul-Muslemeen" just to save his post or to get the appeasement of his son with the intention of saving his post. He would not stop here; furthermore, he would spend 30 thousands Dirham from the Islamic Baitul-Maal or from his own pocket. Obviously, these assertions "Rewayats" are baseless and the historians have mentioned in their books without proper research and findings. That is why, various contradictions are found in these statements.


For example: Ibn Atheer has mentioned this incident in this way, "Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) wished to remove him from the governorship of Kufa, as soon as he heard about it, went to Damishq from Kufa and told Yazeed that he was unable to understand why Ameer-Al-Mumeneen was delaying Bai'ah (Pledge) in his favour.


On the other hand, this incidence is mentioned in "Tareekh-e-Tabari", "Tareekh Ibn Khalood" and in "Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nehaya" like this; Hazrat Mugheera bin Sho'ba (May Allah be Pleased with him) went to Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) and resigned from the post of governorship on health ground. Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) accepted his resignation and desired to appoint Hazrat Sa'eed bin Al-Aas at his place. The rest of the incidence is the same that is described by Ibn Atheer.


As a matter of fact, it is written in the history books from Tabari who is generally considered to be under the influence of "Shiyaiat". So he has intentionally collected particularly the incidents which support the motive of the "Shiyaiat". Even to the extent that he ignored the validity of the assertions "Rewayats". For example; take this "Rewayats", Ali bin Mujahid is credited as the narrator who is mentioned in the book of Rajal as a producer of fake Hadeeth.

                                       (Tareekh-ul-Tahzeeb, Part-1, Page-274)


The majority opinion about the history books is – what is described by Moulana Mufti Md. Shafee Usmani in his book "Muqam-e-Sahaba".

 The degree of trust and faith that is established for the Holy Quran-e-Kareem and the consecutive Ahadeeth Shareef in Islam is not possible to be assigned to the general Hadeeth Shareef.


 The degree of trust and faith that the Ahadeeth Shareef of the prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) has got is not possible for the statements "Rewayats" of the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them).


In the same way, the historical facts also cannot get the same degree of trust that is enjoyed by the statements "Rewayats" of the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them) approved in the light of perfect certification by Sunnah or the Holy Quran Kareem. (Page-15)


A lot of research work is available on this topic by our Islamic scholars. Those who are willing for further research and study in this regard, must read particularly the Urdu books mentioned below:


1. "Muqam-e-Sahaba" by Moulana Mufti Md. Shafee Usmani

2. "Shawahad-e-Taqaddus" by Moulana Md. Mian Deobandi (May Allah be pleased with him)

3.  "Hazrat Mu'awiah (May Allah be Pleased with him) aur Tareekhee Haqaeq" by Mufti Md. Taqee Usmani

4. Waqi'a-e-Karbala aur uska pas-manzar" by Moulana A'teequr-Rahman Sambhalee No'amani


Arif Mohammad Khan has not presented any new research rather it is a rehash of the write-up of Maulana Abul A'la Maududi in his book "Khilafat wa Malookiat". At certain places, he has used his own words and expressions without referring to that. The people who doubt the honesty of the Sahaba-e-Karam (May Allah be Pleased with them), must introspect about their own honesty and character.


Courtesy: Daily Hindustan Express 12 Jan 2009


Transkated from Urdu by Syed Raihan Ahmad Nezami