
Friday, June 1, 2012

Knitting together to love and heal, Islam and Spiritualism,

Islam and Spiritualism
Knitting together to love and heal
27 Aug 2008

Those who receive these shawls feel they have been gifted something precious, filled with healing energy and connection. "Those nights i wake up alone and frightened, i wrap it tight around me," said one recipient. Another said, "When i am at my lowest, it reminds me of God's love expressed through the work of human hands." Many have told the knitters that when they wear the shawl, it feels like a loving hug.

The shawl is not only a gift to the receiver, but also of unimagined value to the giver. One woman said, "This helps me. I have trouble expressing my grief or sorrow or sympathy in words, but this way i can." Another felt, "Even though the world's problems can feel so overwhelming, the prayer shawl ministry gives me a tangible way to feel less helpless and to express my faith and my concern."