
Monday, May 21, 2012

They Only Know How To Kill, Islam,Terrorism and Jihad,

Islam,Terrorism and Jihad
They Only Know How To Kill
Pervez Hoodbhoy
on human suicide bombs in the Times of India, 12 Mar 2008
This drone does not need to know why and who he must kill. Only how. A spine-chilling suicide bomber training video illustrates this. It is one of the several videos that freely circulate in Pakistan's tribal areas, watched by a population hostile to Pakistan's armed forces. About 30 masked fighters are filmed in this video, training in some barren, mountainous area. One fighter, randomly selected by their leader, proceeds to climb a huge rock, perhaps 100 feet high. He reaches the highest point, and then stands motionless. His arms are outstretched as though on a diving board, awaiting the signal from below. Subsequently, without hesitation, and without closing his eyes, he launches himself onto the ground below.