
Friday, May 18, 2012

The Vicious Cycle of Jihadism and Patriotism, Radical Islamism and Jihad,

Radical Islamism and Jihad
The Vicious Cycle of Jihadism and Patriotism
by Ross Caputi
Jihad is a broad and complex topic in Islamic theology. It literally means “struggle” or “effort”, and it is a duty for all Muslims. Jihad usually takes on three forms: an internal struggle to refrain from sin and be the best Muslim one can be (which is often referred to as Jihad Al Akbar, the greater jihad); an external struggle for justice and to build a good Islamic society; and a holy war, which most Islamic scholars today agree can only be a war of self-defense and cannot harm civilians. Most Americans would be surprised to learn that jihad shares many values with our concept of patriotism, and that it is a religious analogue to Western just war theory. There are considerations of jus ad bellum (just cause for war) and jus in Bello (just conduct in war) in jihad, as well as the notion of a duty to defend one’s community when it is under attack.