A photo released on Tuesday showed Karadzic had concealed his identity by growing a long white beard. Rasim Ljajic, the minister in charge of cooperation with the international court, said the trained psychiatrist had been working in a private medical surgery in Belgrade specializing in "alternative medicine," and had called himself Dragan Dabic.
Karadzic, 63, president of the Republika Srpska in Bosnia from 1992 to 1996, looked emaciated when he was arrested in Belgrade on Monday night, according to the Serb authorities. He was interviewed by an investigating judge until 2.30 a.m. on Tuesday morning. He reportedly refused to give information but his identity was proven conclusively, officials said.
The arrest was far more peaceful than anyone could have expected. The Serb government said no shots were fired and there were no deaths or injuries.
Find out how you can reprint this SPIEGEL ONLINE article in your publication. But after the arrest dozens of his supporters gathered in front of the court building in Belgrade where Karadzic was being held. Heavily armed units of the Serbian police were deployed to guard the building and several Karadzic supporters were arrested after they had started attacking reporters at the scene. Many Serbs still regard Karadzic as a patriot. "Karadzic, you hero!" they chanted.
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