27 Apr 2010, NewAgeIslam.Com
Accept Death
to Prepare For Life

Indians say, “Today is as good a day as any to leave this world.” And a witch
once remarked, “That death is always sitting next to you. So, when you need to
do important things, it will give you the strength and courage.” I hope you, my
reader, have come to be aware not only of statistics, but of your mission on
this earth. Yes, all of us will die sooner or later. But accepting it is the
best way to be prepared for life. -- Paulo
By Paulo Coelho
Become aware of your mission in this incarnation
on Earth. Thinking about death will help you lead a more enhanced
I believe that this article will be read in about
three minutes. Well, according to statistics, in those three minutes 300 people
will die and other 620 will be born.
Maybe it took me half an hour to write it: I am
focused on my computer, with books by my side, ideas in mind, cars passing by
outside. Everything seems perfectly normal around me, however, during these 30
minutes, 3,000 people died and 6,200 have just seen light for the first time,
the light of the world.
Where are these thousands of families who have
just begun to mourn the loss of someone, or begun to laugh and smile at the
arrival of a son, grandson, or brother? I stop and reflect for a moment; perhaps
many of these deaths are occurring near the end of a long and painful illness,
and some people are relieved to see that the Angel came to fetch
Moreover, without a doubt, hundreds of these
children who have just been born will be abandoned at any moment and move into
the statistics of death before I finish this text.
A simple statistic, which I just happened to look
up — and suddenly I'm feeling these losses and these gains, these smiles and
these tears.
How many are leaving this life alone in their
rooms, while no one realises what is happening? How many will be born hidden,
and will be abandoned at the doors of asylums or convents? I feel myself
reflecting; I have been a part of the birth statistics, and one day I will be
included in the number of the dead.
I am glad that I am fully aware that I will die.
Ever since I walked the Road to Santiago, I realised that — as long a life
continues, and we are all eternal — there will be an end one
Even if you believe in other lives, what we were
given to live is this moment right now.
People think very little about
They spend their lives preoccupied with real
absurdities, postponing things, leaving the important moments
They don’t risk, because they think it is
dangerous. They complain a lot, but cower in the times it is necessary to take
They want everything to change, but they
themselves refuse to change.
If they would think a little more about death,
they would not leave until tomorrow the phone call that needs to be made today.
They would be a little crazier. They would not be afraid of the end of this
incarnation — because you cannot fear something that will happen
The Indians say, “ Today is as good a day as any
to leave this world.” And a witch once remarked, “ that death is always sitting
next to you. So, when you need to do important things, it will give you the
strength and courage.” I hope you, my reader, have come to be aware not only of
statistics, but of your mission on this earth. Yes, all of us will die sooner or
later. But accepting it is the best way to be prepared for
© Translated by Michelle
Source: www. Paulocoelhoblog.
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