
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Islamist Terrorism in India and the World in 2024: Strengthening Counterterrorism Policies

By Grace Mubashir, New Age Islam 31 December 2024 2024 As 2024 Wraps Up, this Summary Analyses The Major Terrorism Incidents Around the World And The Policy Action For New Year With Special Focus On India. It also discusses need for strengthening Counter-terrorism Policies and Plans of Action. ---- In 2024, the world experienced the on-going threat and menace created by Islamist terrorism. By radical ideologies as well as geopolitical tensions that fuel, these acts went on and disrupted the life of a million people starting from ordinary communities in strife-torn areas to those of huge economies around the world. Due to this diversified aspect, deep characterization about such attacks, along with causes, wide-ranged impact, and further measures toward their solution is required....

Exploring the Role of Religion in Hatred and Conflict: Myth or Reality?

By Ghulam Ghaus Siddiqi, New Age Islam 31 December 2024 Is Religion the Cause of Hatred? Understanding the Human Factor Main Points: This article explores the complex relationship between religion and hatred, examining whether religion itself causes violence and division or if human misinterpretation and manipulation of religious teachings are the true culprits. Through historical and contemporary examples, the essay highlights how secular ideologies and political movements have also fuelled hatred and violence. It emphasizes that the core teachings of Islam, like those of other religions, advocate for peace, justice, and compassion. Ultimately, the article argues that violence arises not from religion itself, but from human actions driven by personal or political motives. ----- The...

Muslims Need to Embrace Education: A Path to Progress and Unity

By Kaniz Fatma, New Age Islam 31 December 2024 Muslim-Run Institutions: Promoting Inter-Community Unity Main Points: 1. Muslim-run educational institutions in India serve a diverse student body, including a significant percentage of non-Muslims (52.7% of students are Hindus). 2. These institutions are vital for bridging educational gaps and fostering unity in a diverse society. 3. They help break stereotypes and promote social integration and tolerance. 4. Muslims manage only 16.6% of colleges in India, despite comprising 14% of the population. 5. The Muslim community's involvement in higher education is disproportionately low, especially in prestigious institutions like IITs and IIMs. 6. A significant gap exists in postgraduate and research programs, with only 8%...

The Eternal Call for Unity: How Hazrat Khwaja Abdullah Chishti’s Shrine Promotes Peace Across Communities

By Syed Amjad Hussain, New Age Islam 31 December 2024 Hazrat Khwaja Syed Abdullah Chishti is a 16th-century Sufi saint of the Chishti order, known for his teachings of love, humility, and communal harmony. His shrine in Chhota Sheikhpura attracts devotees from diverse backgrounds, reflecting his message of unity and peace Main Points: 1. Hazrat Khwaja Syed Abdullah Chishti was a 16th-century Sufi saint of the Chishti order, famous for his teachings of love, humility, and communal harmony. 2. He settled in Chhota Sheikhpura, Bihar, after divine guidance and established a Khanqah and mosque. 3. His shrine attracts devotees from diverse backgrounds, reflecting his universal appeal. 4. The well, Khwaja Kuan, near his shrine is believed to have healing properties. 5. ...

Tawakkal Mastan Dargah in Bengaluru: A Symbol of Faith, Devotion, and Harmony

By Rehan Ahmed Khan, New Age Islam 31 December 2024 The Hazrat Tawakkal Mastan Dargah In Bengaluru, Built In 1783 By Tipu Sultan, Honours A 17th-Century Sufi Saint Of The Suharwardia Order. Known For His Selfless Service, Tawakkal Mastan’s Legacy Is Celebrated In The Karaga Festival. The Dargah Fosters Interfaith Unity, Drawing People From Various Backgrounds, And Remains A Symbol Of Devotion, Charity, And Communal Harmony. Main Points: 1. Hazrat Tawakkal Mastan was a 17th-century Sufi saint from the Suharwardia Order. 2. He worked on the Kalasipalyam fort, refusing payment, later asking for a mosque. 3. The Dargah, completed by Tipu Sultan in 1783, marks his tomb. 4. It’s linked to the Karaga festival. 5. The shrine attracts devotees of all faiths. 6. The Dargah...

On Today's 'Intellectuals'

By Sumit Paul, New Age Islam 31 December 2024 A temptation to base theories on speculations may land an individual in the Wonderland of Lewis Carroll! I fully agree with this. Call it a sheer coincidence. My friend, Urdu poet and retired Zonal Head of Central Bank of India, Mr Mahesh Bajaj 'Anjum' Lakhnavi defined an 'intellectual' in the morning: "Who can explain simple things in the most complicated manner, making it difficult to be understood by people and opening the doors for various unnecessary interpretations that may lead to controversies." Well said! Intellectuals, esp. today's pseudo-intellectuals and sciolists, suffer from a perpetual itch to opine on anything and everything under the sky. Famous humorous writer Lateef Ghonghi defined such polymaths in his inimitable manner:...

How To Fight Injustice Against Muslims? Some Unorthodox Suggestions

By Naresh Chandra Saxena, IAS (Retired) for New Age Islam 30 December 2024 To summarise, the community ought to consider and adopt the following course of action: 1. Concentrate on individual mobility through higher education, especially Science and Management 2. Take advantage of OBC reservation and join Class II and Class I jobs in large numbers, especially Police 3. Learn English and make it compulsory in all Madarsas 4. In some districts open an English medium Madarsa with 25% seats reserved for poor/dalit Hindus 5. Make AMU and Jamia the best Universities in India, so that these Universities, and not St Stephens College becomes the first choice for bright Hindu students 6. Set up Cultural Societies with the help of like-minded Hindus to promote amity and harmony,...

The Qur’an – Nurun ‘Ala Nur (Light Upon Light): An Exposition Of Qur’anic Guidance In Its Own Words - Part Six

By Muhammad Yunus, New Age Islam (Co-author (Jointly with Ashfaque Ullah Syed), Essential Message of Islam, Amana Publications, USA, 2009) 30 December 2024 Section-5 Excellence In Conduct And Behaviour 60 The Prophet Muhammad As An Exemplar • “Certainly, you have an excellent example (Uswatun Hasana) in the Prophet for anyone who longs for Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah a lot” (33:21). The verse distinguishes the Prophet as a role model for any good Muslim. The question that keeps the Muslim community divided is, how best they can follow the Prophet’s example. The orthodoxy insists on imitating the Prophet’s physical habits and pursuits including his daily chores, such as: washing and bathing, brushing of teeth, clipping of nails, grooming of beard and hair,...

Sufism in Kashmir: A Legacy of Spiritual Harmony and Cultural Integration

By Sahil Razvi, New Age Islam 30 December 2024 The Article Explores The Introduction And Evolution Of Sufism In Kashmir, Focusing On Bulbul Shah's Pivotal Role In Spreading Islam, Fostering Cultural Harmony, And Shaping The Valley's Syncretic Identity. His Teachings And Miracles, Including The Conversion Of Rinchana To Sultan Sadruddin, Laid The Foundation For Kashmir's Rich Sufi Heritage. Main Points: 1. Sufism was introduced in Kashmir by Sayyid Sharafuddin Abdul Rehman, also known as Bulbul Shah, who played a pivotal role in spreading Islamic teachings and fostering cultural harmony. 2. Bulbul Shah’s spiritual guidance led to the conversion of Ladakhi prince Rinchana to Islam, marking a watershed moment in Kashmir’s religious and cultural history. 3. Sultan Saddruddin...

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