By Badruddoja Razvi Misbahi, New Age Islam (Translated from Urdu by 2 February 2022 Explaining Verses 5:14 Out Of 26 Verses Presented By Wasim Rizvi In Supreme Court Main Points Discussed In Part 16 1. The verse 5:14 describes that the Christians, like Jews, entered into a covenant with Allah that they would believe in Allah and His Messenger. 2. But, like the Jews, the Christians disregarded the covenant made with Allah Almighty and pursued their own desires. 3. This resulted in “enmity and hatred among them”, which alludes to factionalism or sectarianism within the Christian community or to hatred between the Jews and Christians. 4. Breaking or failing to comply with a covenant between states is seen as the worst crime, leading to economic blockade and war, in today’s world. 5. One should understand 5:14 in the same context, believing that the Quran is Allah's book, which cannot be distorted. ... “And from those who say, "We are Christians" We took their covenant, but they forgot a portion of that of which they were reminded. So We caused among them animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection, and Allah will soon inform them of what they were doing.” (Surah Al-Maidah, 5:14) In this verse, after describing the Jews’ breach of covenant and ugly characteristics, Allah Almighty describes the evil deeds and actions of the Christians, as well as their disgusting characteristics. The Jews had promised Allah [the Blessed and Exalted] that they would believe in Allah, His Prophets and Messengers and execute His commands, but they had broken that promise. They not only rejected but also slaughtered many prophets who came after Moses [peace be upon them]. The praises and traits of the Holy Prophet [peace be upon him] were described in the Torah, but they twisted these words of Torah. They were commanded to believe in the last prophet when he was sent, according to the Torah, but they disbelieved him. They not only disbelieved but also disseminated a labyrinth of clandestine intrigues against the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In verse 14 of Surah Al-Maidah, Allah Almighty says that the Christians, like Israelites/Jews, entered into a covenant with Allah that they would believe in Allah and His Messenger and would not avoid doing good deeds. One of the interpretative statements is that Allah Almighty promised them in the Gospel that they would believe in the last Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him]. But, like the Jews, they disregarded this covenant and pursued their own desires. This resulted in “enmity and hatred among them”, which alludes to factionalism or sectarianism within the Christian community or to hatred between the Jews and Christians. That is, Allah created enmity within the Christian community till the Day of Resurrection or hatred between the Jews and the Christians. This resulted in “animosity and hatred among them,” a reference to sectarianism or factionalism within the Christian community, or to hatred between Jews and Christians. That is, Allah created animosity inside the Christian community, or hatred between Jews and Christians, until the Day of Resurrection. And at the end of the verse, Allah Almighty made a strong promise to them and said, “and Allah will soon inform them of what they were doing”. That is, ‘we will punish them severely for violating this covenant and for forgetting the advice.’ And Allah has pointed out in the beginning of the verse [And from those who say, "We are Christians"] that they will happily call themselves Christians (Ansarullah) which has nothing to do with reality. Because if these people had been truthful in their claim, they would have remained steadfast in obedience to Allah Almighty and obedience to His commands and would not forget the covenant made with Him, but they disregarded this pact. In today's world, we can see that breaking the covenant and abrogating or failing to comply with a treaty between states is seen as the worst crime, leading to economic blockade and war. Similarly, when a state-citizen agreement isn't carried out, the issue of law and order arises, and the dominant side seeks to eliminate the defeated, which might result in imprisonment and death. In the same context, one should read and understand Surah Al-Maidah verse 14 and the verses before it, believing that the Quran is Allah's book and His words, which cannot be altered, distorted, or adulterated, and that this holy Book is the book of guidance and well-being for people till the end of time. [Concluded] [Author’s Note: The process of understanding the prescribed 26 verses of Jihad and non-Jihad has been accomplished by the grace of Almighty, with the release of the concluding part (16) of the series. It is recommended that these episodes be revised and published in book form in the three major languages spoken in the country: Urdu, Hindi, and English so that a great number of people can benefit. It should be made clear to the brothers of the country [India] that the Qur'an is a messenger of peace and order, not a preacher of hatred and fear.] ... Maulana Badruddoja Razvi Misbahi, Principal of Madrasa Arabia Ashrafia Zia-ul-Uloom Khairabad, District Mau, UP (India) is a Sufi-minded, well-mannered, classical Islamic scholar, an expert teacher, an excellent writer, a good poet and orator. He has authored numerous books, some of which are as follows: 1) Fazilat-e-Ramazan, 2) Zad-ul-Haramain, 3) Mukhzin-e-Tib, 4) Tauzeehat-e-Ahsan, the commentary on the well-known logical book “Mulla Hasan” 5) Muhazarat fi Halle Qutbi Tasawwurat, 6) Tahzib al-Faraid commentary on “Sharh al-Aqaid”, 7) Atayib al-Tahani fi Halle Mukhtasar al-Ma’ani, 8) Commentary on Sahih Muslim Other Parts Of The Articles: The Verses of Jihad: Meaning, Denotation, Reason of Revelation and Background- Part 1 The Verses of Jihad: Meaning, Denotation, Reason of Revelation and Background- Part 2 The Verses of Jihad: Meaning, Denotation, Reason of Revelation and Background- Part 3 The Verses of Jihad- Meaning, Denotation, Reason of Revelation and Background- Part 4 The Verses of Jihad in The Quran - Meaning, Denotation, Reason of Revelation and Background - Part 5 The Verses of Jihad in The Quran - Meaning, Denotation, Reason of Revelation and Background - Part 6 The Verses of Jihad in Quran: Meaning, Reason of Revelation, Context and Background - Part 7 The Verses of Jihad in Quran: Meaning, Reason of Revelation, Context and Background - Part 8 The Verses of Jihad in Quran: Meaning, Reason of Revelation, Context and Background - Part 9 The Verses of Jihad in Quran: Meaning, Reason of Revelation, Context and Background - Part 10 The Verses of Jihad in Quran: Meaning, Reason of Revelation, Context and Background - Part 11 The Verses Of Jihad In Quran: Meaning, Reason Of Revelation, Context, And Background - Part 12 The Verses of Jihad in Quran: Meaning, Reason of Revelation, Context, and Background - Part 13 The Verses Of Jihad In Quran: Meaning, Reason Of Revelation, Context, And Background - Part 14 The Verses of Jihad in Quran: Meaning, Reason of Revelation, Context, and Background - Part 15 URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism
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