This Finding Is Latest Corroboration of Quran's Position on Scientific Topics Main points: 1. NASA scientists have found that earth's atmosphere is contracting. 2. The Quran also says the earth is gradually contracting from its edges. 3. Quran was the first to state that earth rotated and revolved round the sun. ------ By New Age Islam Correspondent 28 February 2022 NASA maintains a fleet of earth science spacecraft and instruments in orbit studying all aspects of the earth system (oceans, land, atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere), with more planned for launch in the next few years. ----- The holy Quran is a divine religious book revealed in the 7th century but it has statements on scientific topics as well. The topics range from physics, astronomy, zoology, biology, geology etc. The statements on scientific facts are only hints that inspire researchers and thinkers to delve deep into nature and explore the universe for themselves. For the last 1400 years the holy Quran has guided man to scientific discoveries or has corrected wrong scientific hypotheses proposed by philosophers, natural scientists and researchers. One of the scientific discoveries that was attributed to Copernicus of the 16th century A.D. was the Heliocentric Theory which said that the earth rotated and revolved round the sun. Later in the 18th century Kepler proposed the theory of orbital motion of planets round the sun based on Copernican theory. However, Copernicus had acknowledged that he borrowed ideas from Muslim scientists Al Battani, Al Bitruji, Thabit ibn Qurra, Averroes and Al Urdi and Ibn Al Shatir who lived during the 13th century. This strengthens the belief that Muslim scientists had received guidance on the topic from the Quran which clearly said that the planets revolve in an orbit and the sun rotates on its axis. And the sun run its course for a term and place appointed for it. That is the decree of the Al-Mighty and All-Knowing"(Yasin: 38) "It is not for the sun to overtake moon nor does the night outstrip the day. They all float each in an orbit."(Yasin: 40) Through these verses, the holy Quran refuted the hypothesis of Greek philosophers that the earth was static and the skies revolved. Similarly, the Quran asked its readers to study the Bees. An Austrian scientist Karl Von Frisch researched on the life and movements of bees and won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine along with Nikolaas Tinbergen and Konrad Lorenz in 1973. He had written a book titled Aus Dem Leben Der Bien (The Dancing Bees) in 1927. In his book he had presented the theory that honey bees send signals to other bees through a particular dance like movement when they see a flower or fruit. The scientists had then rejected his theory. Therefore he researched on the bees and proved his theory with facts and evidences. The Quran had said to the Bees: “Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down (for you). There emerged from their bellies a drink varying in colours in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought."(Al Nahl: 68-69) The dance like movement of honey bees is subtly hinted by the word "ways" and there is sign for a people who give thought (group of scientists, researchers) The Quran has also made statements on the types of rocks which finds corroboration in later day scientific studies... The Quran also detailed the stages of conception of foetus in the womb and its evolutionary stages in the 7th century when biological science was not much developed. The Quran also spoke of Big Bang Theory which science corroborated in the 20th century. However, it is also true that the Big Bang was earlier mentioned in the Upanishads. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Also Read: Environment And Human Life Are Inter-Dependent in all World Religions ------------------------------------------------------------------ These are only some examples of Quran's contribution to the scientific advancement and to the refutation of wrong scientific theories. Now the latest scientific findings by NASA in 2021on the gradual reduction of Earth's atmosphere has proved Quran's position on the subject true. According to reports, scientists of NASA have found that parts of the upper atmosphere are gradually contracting in response to rising human-made greenhouse gas emissions. The report says: "Combined data from three NASA satellites have produced a long term record that reveals the mesosphere, the layer of the atmosphere 30 to 50 miles above the surface is cooling and contracting. Scientists have long predicted this effect of human driven climate change, but it has been difficult to observe the trends overtime. Together the satellites provided about 30 years of observations, indicating that the summer atmosphere over earth's poles is cooling four to five degrees Fahrenheit and contracting 500 to 650 feet per decade. Without changes in human carbon dioxide emissions the researchers expect these rates to continue." (Photo courtesy: Slide Share) ----- The holy Quran had stated or predicted this phenomenon long before the modern science discovered it. 1400 years ago the Quran had said: “Don’t they see that We gradually reduce the earth from its outline borders."(Ar Rad: 41) In other verse, the Quran reiterates this fact: "Don't they see that We gradually reduce the earth from its outlying borders."(Al Anbiya: 44) The NASA scientists have ascribed this phenomenon of Contracting Atmosphere to human driven climate change. Quran also cited human driven climate change as the cause of the gradual contraction of atmosphere. See this verse: "Fasad (corruption or pollution has spread on land and sea, the result of man's earning, they should be made to taste the consequences of their deeds so that they may retract."(Ar Rum: 41) It sounds very similar or identical. The current findings of NASA is the latest corroboration of Quranic positions on scientific topics. Earlier scientists of 20th century had proposed hypothesis that the earth was expanding. Expanding earth theory was proposed by Robert Mantorani in 1909 who thought that the continental drift occurred due to the expansion of the earth. But later the scientific community found significant evidence that contradicted the Expanding Earth theory. The latest findings by NASA has refuted Expanding Earth theory and the Quran's position on Contraction of earth's atmosphere was corroborated. (File Photo) ----- Therefore, the holy Quran has once again proved that Zalikal Kitabu La Raiba Fih. (There is no room for doubt in this book). It keeps evolving with time and keeps itself relevant even in a fast changing universe. That's why it's called a miracle and its sentences are called Ayat (sign or God's miracle). URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism
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