By Aadil Farook, New Age Islam 23 December 2021 The search for truth has now turned obsolete For our caprice, social media is an ideal treat No more time for lifting the veils on reality Google is there to entertain us as its duty Hedonism and consumerism thwart human soul That was created for a much higher goal The pursuit of material progress and “prosperity” Chokes a life of dimensions approaching infinity Science and research cannot illuminate everything Inner peace, technologies simply cannot bring Philosophy has no potential to satisfy our quest Art and Literature distract us from voids at best Political and economic isms have all been tried In bridging theory with practice, they all lied Religion has been confined to rituals or dogma The journey within has become an enigma The entire humanity is in crisis Directionless, we strive for bliss At will, the devils run the show The seed of solution, none to sow This planet longs for a magic wand Or a new sun that hasn’t dawned That mortal can promise us salvation In whom, all qualities form a fusion Only one man can save mother earth To global welfare, he can give birth His seeker cannot be at loss He’s the secret behind this cosmos Ages ago, his life did end Yet, on his way, we depend He showed path of divine light He grants man his lost sight He merged passion with vision He indeed defines revolution Claimants of his love are all around But deeds like his won't be found Believers hail him but don’t follow him Disbelievers are too blind to know him In the West, his status isn't revealed The East, without him, can't be healed In the East, he is revered without imitation The West criticizes him with no comprehension Too far from his footsteps is the East Enlightened or spiritual, the West is least “Intellectuals”, too arrogant to acknowledge him The masses, too ignorant to understand him The poor lack knowledge to walk his pathway The rich surrender to their own desires’ play No conspiracy it is that he’s vilified beyond measure Tarnishing his legacy is the sick soul’s pleasure Yet the meaning of his name is, “the praised” Thus, from history, he cannot ever be erased Among all giants, he alone is the king His majesty makes me write and sing Many hearts and minds exist in his dominion His rule transcends any geographical region O’ beloved of God, none can ever be like you Modern civilization, a drowning ship with no crew Its indifference can’t undermine your greatness at all It would only increase its own perpetual fall He who doesn’t love your poverty is not worthy of admiring your glory He who hasn’t seen your ascetic nature Should not see your grandeur either He who can’t appreciate your mystical aspect Should remain silent on your worldly impact He who can’t read your simplicity Is himself alien to what’s humility? He who is unable to see your purity is illiterate to the concept of beauty He who doesn’t surrender to your wisdom Is devoid of learning like the deaf & dumb He who fails to feel your tears for all humanity has no right to call you most influential personality He who is unaware of your long prayers for the Ummah Should not be impressed with your conquest of Makkah He who can’t see your perfection Is a prey to Satan’s deception He who can’t acknowledge you as a prophet is comparing a sun to a candle being lit Not recognizing you as the most exalted creation is the negation of God’s proudest affirmation If God was a hidden treasure wanting to be known The key of His heavens are in your hands alone The prayer that begins with your invocation ends with the cosmic symphony’s affiliation The Muslims split into many factions without brotherhood unite only to safeguard your finality of prophethood The sword truly raised in only your name is free from hatred, avarice and blame Western Thought says self-discovery is after affirming ego But you said that realization comes after negating ego While modernity brought exploitation of nature You taught that harmony is the vital factor To uphold establishing peace without your reference is concealing that love was your foremost reliance Before time-space when all souls endorsed God’s existence You had already been chosen as leader of homo-sapiens O’ Muhammad Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam It is now time the world submits to you It is now time the world submits to you It is now time the world submits to you And, due to heedlessness, if it doesn’t It will submit on the Day of Judgment Here, you lived like a humble servant There, everyone will be your servant! --- Aadil Farook, Winner/Nominee of 2 International Awards (US & UK), is a Lahore-based blogger. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism
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