Islam and Pluralism | |
09 Jan 2010, NewAgeIslam.Com | |
Dr. Zakir Naik – Anatomy of a pig | |
Reply – What exactly are you trying to compare here Dr. Naik? Rape is a crime and rape of a minor is a crime that is unpardonable and unacceptable in any civilized society. It is punishable under the law. But marriages like the one mentioned by our “scholar” is nothing but legally sanctioned rape of a minor. And this type of rape has the blessings of the Sharia in all Islamic countries. …
Dr. Naik – People in the west eat pork and hence behave like pigs. Pigs are the only animals in the world that invite their friends to have sex with their partners. Westerners also do the same.
Reply –Dr. Naik should know that barring a few species that mate for life all animals are promiscuous for the simple reason that their sole purpose is to procreate and not propagate Islam. And to think that this man claims the Koran to be scientific! -- Sanjay Khanna
(A couple of sentences from Mr. Khanna’s last reply quoted above have been deleted, as they appeared to be unnecessarily provocative. Mr. Khanna claims to be making “unbiased attempt to dissect” Dr. Naik’s scholarship. But anyone who has learnt about Islam only from one source – the well-known anti-Islamic website - can hardly remain unbiased. So his observations should be taken with a pinch of salt. However, he raises some valid and disturbing questions about Dr. Naik’s scholarship and many Muslims’ unquestioning acceptance of him as a messiah. It is imperative that Muslims start questioning what Dr. Naik is all about and what he is actually trying to do behind the façade of “moderate” Islam. Indeed, the fundamental question that arises in this context is: Can Saudi, Wahhabi, Ahl-e-Hadees brand of Islam be allowed to be called moderate? Editor)
Dr. Zakir Naik – Anatomy of a pig
By Sanjay Khanna
Self proclaimed Islamic scholar and student of comparative religions Dr. Zakir Naik is a familiar name to Muslims and non Muslims alike, albeit for different reasons. While Muslims marvel at his “knowledge” and “wisdom”, others make good use of him for laughter therapy. Below are some of the grandiose statements made by this so called “scholar” and my unbiased attempt to dissect them. I do not know much about the Koran except for what I have read on this site and for this reason I chose to stick with the socio economic ideas of this man in an attempt to read his mind.
Dr. Naik – If two sisters were walking on the street, one in hijab and the other wearing a mini skirt, men would invariably eve tease the one wearing the skirt. So hijab protects the Muslim women from men and rape.
Reply – Don’t all countries have laws that protect women? It’s a different matter that laws in Islamic countries are heavily biased against women to the extent that they require more than one witness ( four in some countries) to prove a case against a man. In the civilized world of non Muslims, you cannot touch a woman even if she is in a bikini on the beach. This statement of Dr. Naik exposes the hypocrisy, double standards and status of women in Islamic countries. If you go by the way women are treated in Islamic societies, women there should be wearing the hijab to protect themselves from fellow Muslims!
Dr. Naik – The west talks of women’s liberation when in fact it exploits them. You find pictures of scantily dressed girls in ads to sell everything including cars.
Reply – True, but that in itself is a testimony to gender equality in the west. Nobody forces a girl to model and nobody has the right to object either. It is entirely up to the individual.
Dr. Naik – the western media exaggerates news of a 60 year old Arab marrying a 16 year old girl but plays it down when a 60 year old man in America rapes a 10 year old girl.
Reply – What exactly are you trying to compare here Dr. Naik? Rape is a crime and rape of a minor is a crime that is unpardonable and unacceptable in any civilized society. It is punishable under the law. But marriages like the one mentioned by our “scholar” is nothing but legally sanctioned rape of a minor. And this type of rape has the blessings of the Sharia in all Islamic countries. Let us also not forget that victims of this kind of rape are girls from poor families that are sexually exploited by rich Muslims in the garb of marriage and “helping” the family. I suppose Dr. Naik would call this Zakaat!
Dr. Naik – People in the west eat pork and hence behave like pigs. Pigs are the only animals in the world that invite their friends to have sex with their partners. Westerners also do the same.
Reply –Dr. Naik should know that barring a few species that mate for life all animals are promiscuous for the simple reason that their sole purpose is to procreate and not propagate Islam. And to think that this man claims the Koran to be scientific!
Dr. Naik – “I have given lectures in many parts of the world. Many big people come to hear me. Wherever I go, presidents, prime ministers want to meet me. They all tell me you are so knowledgeable and told us so many things that we didn’t know before. We wish you would come more often”
Reply – When he said – presidents and prime ministers – did he mean the president of Iraq? Prime minister of Malaysia? Sultan of Brunei? Are there non-Muslim nations also on that list? Whatever that is, this only proves that Dr. Naik is an attention seeker and the above statement is anything but scholarly. I have a feeling that this man has had a troubled childhood. He used to stammer and it is very possible that his peers in school and college poked fun at him. Girls would have avoided him altogether. Deprived of a regular social life, he may have become a bookworm which explains his ability to memorize verses from the Koran and other religious texts. It is a well known fact that people who are scorned by society find a way of hitting back with a vengeance and Dr. Naik has found a convenient tool in Islam. Add to it his failed medical practice and the reasons for his hatred towards society are not too hard to find.
Dr. Naik – Muslims should not work in banks as giving/ accepting interest is haraam in Islam.
Reply – How would you define interest? Isn’t a Muslim shopkeeper also earning interest on his investment? Is it haraam if banks do the same? Do gulf nations sell oil on a no profit basis? Don’t they earn interest on their investment? This is just one of the many absurdities in the Koran. Muhammad made taking of interest haraam to get rid of his debtors and Muslims blindly follow the same.
Dr. Naik – Muslims should not work in alcohol bars and airlines because they serve liquor.
Reply – With the high rate of illiteracy among Muslims, thanks to their madarassas, do they really have a choice when it comes to jobs? As far as airlines are concerned, I agree. Muslims cannot work in airlines, they are only allowed to hijack and bomb aircrafts!
Dr. Naik – Muslim girls can become gynecologists so that they will deal only with women but they should not take up other specialties as that will bring them into contact with men.
Reply – This is shocking coming from someone who claims to be a medical doctor himself. Does he think lady doctors have sex with patients in their consultation chambers? How much absurdity can these stupid, dumb Muslims really digest before they actually hit the loo?
Dr. Naik – Muslim girls can work provided they don’t mix with boys. There has to be a separate area for them. They can talk to men only if it’s official and necessary.
Reply – I can understand a highly qualified and proven individual making such demands from his employer but coming from illiterate Muslims, isn’t this worth a laugh? It’s like a driver in Florida asking his boss for an apartment on south beach with a car and an annual vacation in Switzerland as perks!!!
Dr. Naik – The education system in India should be changed. Many girls lose their virginity by the time they leave school.
Reply – This statement takes the cake. It’s a well known fact that school girls in Muslim countries are not safe and governments keep changing school uniforms to cover little girls to the extent that they don’t look like kids anymore but more like emperor penguins in the Antarctic. And all this to protect the little children from Muslim pedophiles who love kids as much as their holy prophet did. As far as the education system is concerned, Indian schools follow the British system and is rated as among the best in the world. Indian schools teach the basic tenets of all religions, unlike schools in the middle east and other Muslim countries where pages from text books that refer to other religions are torn off by the government. What impression would that create on the mind of a child? Dr. Zakir Naik has been educated in Christian and Hindu institutions in India. By attacking these religions now, he is simply doing what all Muslims do best – spit into the very hand that has fed you. It’s hardly surprising that Hindus in India do not trust Muslims at all and they never will.
After reading this I could forgive you for thinking that Dr. Zakir Naik may have been circumcised between the ears instead of the thighs. Muslims are the only community that can be taken for a ride by such psychopaths. There are a lot more absurdities that this man preaches like halal entertainment (Islamic cartoons and movies), Sharia etc but it is my belief that the above examples would be sufficient to discount the man and throw him into the nearest thrash bin.
Sanjay Khanna is a writer and climate-change journalist. He holds an MFA in creative nonfiction from the University of British Columbia and a bachelor's degree in education.
Source: © 2009 Faith Freedom International
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