
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Letters to the Editor
01 Dec 2009, NewAgeIslam.Com
New Age Islam Reflects The Strength Of The Islam That Is Universal
from   Bhagya Konwar
to       Sultan Shahin
date   30 November 2009 11:34
subject         HOW ISLAMIC IS THE ANIMAL SACRIFICE OF "EID AL-ADHA" , - 28 Nov, 2009
Dear sir,
I congratulate you on your effort to show the strength of the Islam that is universal, as opposed to a parochial one imagined by Hindus, Christians, and especially by many Muslims themselves. I think we all must educate ourselves - members of all faiths - on how we build a shared future for all of us. We must change our minds to get rid of irrational fear, to work together with all our fellow Indians to build a new India.
 May your message spread among our countrymen!!!
Bhagya Mohan Konwar