Preventing Further Radicalisation Is the Challenge Muslims Must Undertake: Some Concrete Suggestions
Now the question is, how do we go forward? If we really want to make a difference, we will have to start a substantive dialogue with the ulema and make sure that they agree to...
Is It Time Muslims Standardize A Contextual Qur'an, Asks A Reader. Yes, Perhaps, But Building A Quran-Based Islam, Shorn Of Deviations, Will Not Be Easy.
What do you mean by logical order, Hamza Saheb? Do you mean chronological order, which would also restore primacy to Meccan verses of universal significance? After all, it's in a chronological order that early Muslims including the Prophet (saw) must have understood and memorised the Quran. They could not have memorised contextual verses that had not been revealed yet, as those situations had not arisen by that time.
Facing The Jihadist Challenge: Muslims Need To Refute Jihadis’ Xenophobic, Supremacist, Millenarian Thesis And Focus On Islamic Pluralism, Says Sultan Shahin At UNHRC In Geneva
Facing the brutalities of Islamist terror, while President Obama will not go beyond calling it violent extremism, the head of Sunni Islam's oldest seat of learning, Jamia al-Azhar admitted in a counter-terrorism conference in Mecca that extremism was caused by “corrupt interpretations of Quran and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad”, and Islamic curriculums needed to change.
Facing The Jihadist Challenge التحديات الجهادوية: المسلمون بحاجة لإبطال نظريات الجهادويين المتعصبة والمعادية للأجانب بالتركيز على التعددية الإسلامية، يقوله سلطان شاهين في مجلس حقوق الإنسان
إن المرء يتصور أن أتباع الإسلام الذين آمنوا وكثير منهم يؤمنون بالتأكيد، أن الإسلام هو دين الروحانية والسلام والتعايش والتسامح، سيكونون مع السلاح ضد ما يسمى الدولة الإسلامية. ولكن في حين أن الاستنكارات الروتينية من بعض المقاطع تأتي في بعض الأحيان، لا يوجد هناك الغضب الواضح في المجتمع المسلم. العالم يلاحظ أنه في حين أن عشرات الآلاف من المسلمين يخرجون إلى الشوارع للتظاهر في وقت هناك ادعاء مما يسمى الكفر ضد أي واحد، لا يكاد أن يحتج أي مسلم على وحشيات لا تعد ولا تحصى يرتكبها الإرهابيون الإسلامويون. من
C’est idéologiquement que les musulmans doivent affronter le terrorisme islamiste : une réforme de l’Islam est nécessaire
Nous vivons à une époque de terrorisme islamique. Au massacre d’enfants à Peshawar a succédé le massacre de journalistes à Paris. Treize ans après le 11 septembre, le monde se trouve face à une menace plus complexe, plus diverse et plus dangereuse. Alors que l’accent a été mis sur l’action militaire à l’encontre des terroristes, le défi que représente leur idéologie est resté dans une large mesure sans réponse.
Saturday, April 29, 2023
What about Takfir, Divine Mercy, Hell, Heaven, So-Called Jihad, Radicalism and Misinterpretations of the Quran and Hadith, and Battling Radical Ideologies?
‘Maulana’ Sajjad Nomani Wants To Put Breaks On Muslim Women Empowerment
When Sympathy Cheapens You
Friday, April 28, 2023
Sudan: Misplaced Aspirations of Two Army Generals Turned A Country Into A Hell
Malabar Revolt: Fictions In History Narration
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Islam Is An Environmentally Friendly Religion
A Facial 'Fig-Leaf' For A Muslim Woman
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
How Religions Whip Up Mass Hysteria
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Adieu Tarek Fatah: You Took On The Mullahs, But Succumbed To The Hindu Right
Tarek Fatah: Abused By Fanatics, Admired By Liberals
Monday, April 24, 2023
Yati Narsinghanand's Outbursts
Of The Month Of Ramazan Just Gone By
Javed Akhtar Is A Belligerent Atheist
Zakaat: A Source Of Welfare For The Muslim Community; But It Requires An Overhaul In Muslim Mindset From The Flawed Notion Of 'Piety' And 'Righteousness' To Genuine Concepts Islamic Charity And Purification Of Heart
Friday, April 21, 2023
Variegated Timings of Suhoor and Iftaar
The Rulings of Eid ul Fitr: Thirty Lessons of Ramadan – Concluding Part 30