By Badruddoja Razvi Misbahi, New Age Islam
(Translated from Urdu by
31 January 2022
Explaining Verses 8:65 and 66:9 Out Of 26 Verses Presented By Wasim Rizvi In Supreme Court
Main Points Discussed In Part 15
1. Surah Anfal and Surah Tahrim were revealed at Madinah during a period when Makkan polytheists and infidels continued to persecute Muslims.
2. Muslims had been commanded in the Quranic verses not to initiate war against any nation.
3. You'll discover that the Prophet of Islam fought in defence in every war from Badr to Tabuk if you look at Ghazawat or Saraya.
4. Anti-Islamic elements overlook several verses and Ahadith that prohibit Muslims from unlawful war, killing and oppression, and choose only verses that appear to be weaponry for them.