
Monday, January 31, 2022

The Verses of Jihad in Quran: Meaning, Reason of Revelation, Context, and Background - Part 15

By Badruddoja Razvi Misbahi, New Age Islam (Translated from Urdu by 31 January 2022 Explaining Verses 8:65 and 66:9 Out Of 26 Verses Presented By Wasim Rizvi In Supreme Court Main Points Discussed In Part 15 1. Surah Anfal and Surah Tahrim were revealed at Madinah during a period when Makkan polytheists and infidels continued to persecute Muslims. 2. Muslims had been commanded in the Quranic verses not to initiate war against any nation. 3. You'll discover that the Prophet of Islam fought in defence in every war from Badr to Tabuk if you look at Ghazawat or Saraya. 4. Anti-Islamic elements overlook several verses and Ahadith that prohibit Muslims from unlawful war, killing and oppression, and choose only verses that appear to be weaponry for them. ... Allah...

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Why Is Iran Afraid Of Its Women Who Fight For Human Rights And Rights Of Women?

Many Muslim Countries Persecute Human Rights Activists Though They Claim To Follow Democratic Values Intro: 1. Iran has a long record of persecuting Human Rights activists 2. Nargis Mohammadi has been sentenced to 8 years in jail and 70 flogging 3. Earlier she served a five years sentence. 4. A number of Iranian rights activists have been arrested and jailed by authorities in Iran. ---- By New Age Islam Staff Writer 29 January 2022 The UN has singled out Iran for discrimination against women, so why is it elected to the main UN body dedicated to gender equality? EPA/Stefan Zaklin ----- The sentencing of Nargis Mohammadi, a rights activist and colleague of Nobel Peace Prize winner rights activist of Iran Shirin Ebadi by an Iranina court to 8 years of prison and 70...

Friday, January 28, 2022

Fatima Sheikh: A Founding Member Of The Indian Feminist Movement, Alongside Savitribai Phule And Jyotirao Phule

Fatima Sheikh Launched The Feminist Movement In India And Worked For Women's Rights Highlights 1. She was an enlightened woman who stood side by side with Savitribai Phule and Jyotirao Phule. 2. People used to harass and stop Fatima and Savitribai when they started the educational campaigns. 3. Fatima Sheikh started the first joint struggle of Dalits and Muslims. 4. Google, the world's largest search engine, featured a photo of Fatima Sheikh, wishing her a happy 191st birthday. -------- By Bilal Ahmad Mir, New Age Islam Translation from Urdu by Kaniz Fatma, New Age Islam 28 January 2022 Fatima Sheikh not only launched the feminist movement in India, but she also worked for women's rights. She originated the slogan "Save daughter, educate daughter" with Savitribai...

The Verses Of Jihad In Quran: Meaning, Reason Of Revelation, Context, And Background - Part 14

By Badruddoja Razvi Misbahi, New Age Islam (Translated from Urdu by 28 January 2022 Explaining Verses 4:101 and 8:69 Out Of 26 Verses Presented By Wasim Rizvi In Supreme Court Main Points Discussed In Part 14 1. One of the things that the early Muslims had to learn in verse 4:101 was how to pray when they were fearful of the enemies and at war with them. 2. Some commentators argue that the prayer of the journey is not meant in this verse, but rather the prayer of fear. 3. The part of verse 4:101 that says, “Indeed, the disbelievers are ever to you a clear enemy” relates to a reason. 4. During the Prophet's lifetime, the infidels used to plot attacks against Muslims even during prayers. Muslims are therefore cautioned in this verse to always be...

Thursday, January 27, 2022

France And Germany Present And Example By Taking Steps In Favour Of Afghan Muslims And Uygur Muslims While The Muslim Countries Look On

France Condemns Chinese Persecution Of Muslims While Germany Welcome Afghan Muslims In Germany Main Points: 1. France passes a resolution condemning Chinese genocide of Uyghur Muslims. 2. Earlier Holland, Belgium and Italy passed resolutions against China. 3. Muslim countries supported China in the United Nations. 4. Germany made integration of Afghan nationals in German society easier ---- By New Age Islam Staff Writer 27 January 2022 Despite all the big talks of the Muslim countries of following and implementing Sharia, practically they do not show that kind of solidarity to the oppressed and victimized Muslims the world over while the non-Muslim nations whom the extremist Islamic preachers call the enemy of Muslims and Islam come forward to save Muslims in distress...

Muslims Have Not Learnt To Live Peacefully As Most Islamic Countries Are Going Through Social And Political Crisis

Terrorist Attacks And Social And Political Unrest Mar Economic And Social Development Main Points: 1. Kazakhstan has been going through social and political upheaval since January 2. 2. Sudan is going through political unrest against dictatorship 3. Pakistan is in the grip of terrorist and sectarian violence. 4. Syria is again under attack by the ISIS. 5. In Yemen, Houthis are up in arms against the government. ---- New Age Islam Staff Writer 27 January 2022 While the scientific development and social awareness has made western Christian and other non-Muslims economically developed and the people of these countries have been living a comparatively better life because of political stability and educational and economical development, most of the Islamic countries are...

Tradition and Traditionalism in Muslim Community

By Dr. Mohammad Ghitreef, New Age Islam 27 January 2022 Why Is So That Whenever There Is Any Progress In Medical Field Or In Any Scientific Branch Of Knowledge Our Ulema Feel Challenged Main Points: 1. Western infidels are interfering in God's affairs! 2. how can we as an Ummah be so narrow-minded while we are the inheritors of great legacy Muslim philosophers, scientists and inventors 3. Most often we ourselves are the cause of this rampant islamophobia. ----- The Western infidels are interfering in God's affairs! latest is the case of transplanting the pig heart in a human body by medics in US; the enemy number one of Islam! This is the sample jargon made nowadays in our religious circle’s times and again ,especially among the Ulema of neighbouring country. We have been...

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Lashkar-e-Taiba Is Only An Unofficial Militant Wing Of The Government Of Pakistan

Lashkar-e-Taiba Is An Organization That Serves The Purpose Of The Pakistani Government And Military Main Points: 1. The survey reveals that LeT draws inspiration from Ahl-e-Hadith 2. The survey reveals that no Pakistani denounced LeT. 3. Pakistanis support LeT because of its anti-India rhetoric. 4. Anyone speaking against India in Pakistan is considered patriotic. ----- New Age Islam Staff Writer 25 January 2022 File photo of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Muhammad Saeed | Youtube ----- Christine Fair and her colleague Karl Kaltenthaler conducted a survey on about seven thousand Pakistanis and asked them why they support LeT. The survey conducted among a few thousand Pakistanis reveals an important aspect of the terrorist organization called LeT. It reveals perhaps...

26th January, the Republic Day of India: History, Significance and Citizens’ Responsibilities

No Religion, Whether Hindu Or Muslim, Christian Or Jewish, Buddhist Or Sikh, Teaches Us How To Destroy Human Beings Highlights 1. On January 26, 1950, the Indian Constitution which was approved on November 26, 1949, came into effect. 2. The basic rights outlined in the Indian Constitution. 3. The Indian Constitution also imposes on citizens a number of important responsibilities and duties. Following these guidelines and norms is a constitutional requirement for all citizens. 4. It is therefore critically important to evaluate why, despite having a magnificent Indian Constitution, there are often instances in our country that violate it. 5. It is not only the government's responsibility; each citizen must accept personal accountability. .... By Kaniz Fatma,...

Monday, January 24, 2022

Religious Prejudice And Obsession Of Pakistanis With Religion Have Been The Biggest Hindrance In Their Scientific Progress

By S. Arshad, New Age Islam 24 January 2022 Pakistanis Have Given Less Importance To Science Since The Beginning Main Points: 1. 1.Pakistan Academy of Science has not contributed much to scientific progress in the country. 2. 2.Pakistanis do not get inspiration from non-Muslims scientists. 3. 3.The holy Prophet pbuh asked Muslims to learn even from the Chinese. 4. 5.Pakistani scientist Dr Abdus Salam is ignored in Pakistan due to his religious affiliation. ------ Aversion of Muslims to science is known worldwide. In Pakistan it is witnessed more prominently. Though the country boasts of being a truly Islamic country, it has not appreciated scientific efforts or achievements by citizens or contributed appropriately to the promotion of science. A religious community that...

The Verses of Jihad in Quran: Meaning, Reason of Revelation, Context, and Background - Part 13

By Badruddoja Razvi Misbahi, New Age Islam (Translated from Urdu by Explaining Verses 33:68, 33:22 And 21:98 Out Of 26 Verses Presented By Wasim Rizvi In Supreme Court Main Points Discussed In Part 13 1. On the Day of Resurrection, those who reject Tawheed and Prophethood will recognize their crimes. 2. The plea mentioned in verse 68 would be made by the polytheists and not by the believers. 3. In Surah Anbiya verse 98, the disbelievers and polytheists of Makkah are addressed. ------ 1. “Our Lord, give them double the punishment and curse them with a great curse." (33:68) 2. “And who is more unjust than one who is reminded of the verses of his Lord; then he turns away from them? Indeed We, from the criminals, will take retribution”. (32:22) 3....

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