
Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mothers of Believers: The Legacy of Sayyidatuna Khadijah al-Kubra—The First and Most Beloved Wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – Part 1

By Ghulam Ghaus Siddiqi, New Age Islam 10 October 2024 The Life, Legacy, And Sacrifices of Sayyidatuna Khadijah Al-Kubra, The First Woman to Embrace Islam and The Most Beloved Wife of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Main Points: 1. Noble Background: Born into a respected Quraysh family; known for piety and business acumen. 2. Marriage: Married the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) at 40; a loving union lasting 25 years. 3. First Muslim: First person to embrace Islam; provided unwavering support. 4. Sacrifices: Dedicated wealth to the Prophet’s mission; faced hardships together. 5. Generosity: Gave 40 sheep and a camel during a famine. 6. Divine Recognition: Received greetings from Allah Almighty and Jibreel (peace be upon him) and a promise of Paradise. 7. Spiritual Commitment: Prayed even before it became obligatory. 8. Legacy: Passed away at 65, leaving a lasting legacy; marked the "Year of Sorrow." ----- In the heart of Makkah, where the winds whispered tales of destiny and divine purpose, lived a woman of unparalleled virtue, devotion and generosity—Sayyidatuna Khadijah al-Kubra, may Allah be pleased with her. She was the first woman to enter the sacred marriage with the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). As the first person to accept Islam and the first wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him), she occupies a special place in Islamic history. Her life is a testament to faith, sacrifice, and unwavering support for the Prophet during the early and most challenging years of his mission. Early Life and Background Born into nobility, Sayyidatuna Khadijah bint Khuwaylid graced the world around 555 CE, fifteen years before the Year of the Elephant. Her lineage was esteemed within the Quraysh tribe; her father, Khuwaylid bin Asad, was a respected merchant whose influence was felt far and wide. Her mother, Fatimah, nurtured her with values that would shape Khadijah into a beacon of moral and spiritual integrity. Known for her dignity and exceptional character, she earned the revered titles of "al-Kubra" (the Great) and "al-Tahira" (the Pure), standing as a paragon of virtue among her people, even gaining the title of "Sayyidat-u-Quraysh" (the Lady of Quraysh) to highlight her respected status in Makkah (Asad al-Ghabah, vol. 7, p. 81). Hadrat Khadijah’s noble lineage, wisdom, and exceptional character made her one of the most revered women in her society. Having been married twice before, she emerged from the shadows of loss with resilience. Upon the death of her second husband, she inherited considerable wealth and skilfully took the reins of her family’s prosperous business, managing trade caravans that traversed to distant lands, including Syria. Her keen acumen and trusted agents facilitated her commercial ventures, establishing her as a formidable figure in Makkah's economic landscape. The Blessed Marriage Hadrat Khadijah first encountered the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) through his work. She had heard of his impeccable honesty and trustworthiness, qualities that earned him the nickname "al-Amin" (the Trustworthy). Impressed by his conduct during a trade expedition to Syria, Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) sent a proposal of marriage to him. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) consulted his family and accepted the proposal. Their marriage took place two months and 25 days after the Prophet’s return from Syria (Al-Mawahib al-Ladunniya, vol. 1, p. 101). At the time of their marriage, Hadrat Khadijah was 40 years old, while the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was 25 (al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, vol. 8, p. 13). Despite their age difference, their relationship was one of deep love, respect, and mutual understanding. The marriage was blessed, lasting for nearly 25 years until Khadijah’s passing. Her Sacrifices and Support for the Prophet Hadrat Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) played an essential role in supporting the Prophet during the earliest and most difficult years of his mission. When the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) first received revelation from Allah through the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) in the Cave of Hira, it was Khadijah who comforted and reassured him. She believed in his prophethood immediately, becoming the first person to embrace Islam (Al-Isti'ab, vol. 4, p. 380). Her faith was unwavering, and she sacrificed everything for the sake of the Prophet and Islam. She devoted all of her considerable wealth to supporting the Prophet’s mission, enabling him to focus on spreading the message of Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) himself acknowledged this sacrifice, saying, “By Allah! I have not found a better wife than Khadijah. When people rejected me, she believed in me. When people denied me, she confirmed me. When no one was willing to give me anything, Khadijah gave me all her wealth. And through her, Allah blessed me with children” (Al-Isabah, vol. 8, p. 103). Her financial and emotional support allowed the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to navigate the severe hardships and persecution faced by the early Muslim community. Khadijah’s commitment to her husband and to Islam was evident in every aspect of her life. Her Generosity and Unique Virtues Hadrat Khadijah’s generosity extended beyond her wealth. She was known for her acts of kindness and charity, always helping those in need. A notable example of her generosity occurred when Sayyidatuna Halimah Sa'diyyah (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet’s wet nurse, visited Makkah during a famine. In response to her plight, Khadijah gifted her 40 sheep and a camel (Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, vol. 1, p. 92). This was one of many instances where Hadrat Khadijah’s generosity and compassion shone brightly. In addition to her charity, Khadijah possessed several unique virtues that set her apart. She was the first woman to accept Islam and, during her lifetime, the Prophet did not marry any other woman (Sahih Muslim, p. 1016, Hadith: 6281). This exclusivity underscores the deep love and respect between them. Moreover, all of the Prophet’s children, except for his son Ibrahim (may Allah be pleased with him), were born to Khadijah. Their children included Qasim, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with them), with the Prophet’s lineage continuing through Fatimah and her sons, Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn (may Allah be pleased with them) (Al-Mawahib al-Ladunniya, vol. 1, p. 391). Divine Recognition and Glad Tidings Hadrat Khadijah’s status in the eyes of Allah is further highlighted by a famous hadith. Once, Jibreel (peace be upon him) came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and said, “O Messenger of Allah! Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) is bringing you a dish of food and water. When she comes, convey to her the greetings of peace from her Lord and from me, and give her the glad tidings of a house in Paradise made of pearls, where there will be neither noise nor discomfort” (Bukhari, vol. 2, p. 565, Hadith: 3820). This divine greeting reflects Hadrat Khadijah’s exalted status and her special place in the hereafter. Her Love for Prayer and Spiritual Dedication Hadrat Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) was deeply devoted to her faith even before the formalization of Islamic practices. She used to perform Salah (prayers) even before prayer became obligatory in Islam, indicating her deep spiritual connection to Allah (Fatawa Razawiyya, vol. 5, p. 83). Her spiritual dedication only grew stronger after the advent of Islam, and she remained a staunch believer and practitioner of the faith until her death. Passing Away and the "Year of Sorrow" After nearly 25 years of marriage, Hadrat Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) passed away in the tenth year of Prophethood, on the 10th of Ramadan, at the age of 65 (Madarij al-Nubuwwah, vol. 2, p. 465). Her death marked a deeply sorrowful time for the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), as it followed closely after the death of his beloved uncle and protector, Abu Talib. The year became known as the "Year of Sorrow" (Aam al-Huzn) due to the immense personal losses the Prophet suffered. Hadrat Khadijah was buried in the Jannat al-Mu’alla cemetery in Makkah, where the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) personally descended into her grave and prayed for her. At the time of her passing, the funeral prayer had not yet been legislated, but the Prophet’s grief and the significance of her loss were palpable. Ahadith On the Virtues of Hadrat Khadija (May Allah Be Pleased With Her) The following are some Ahadith which highlight the remarkable virtues of Hadrat Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her). These hadiths, narrated by various companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), illustrate her unparalleled status, loyalty, and the profound love the Prophet had for her. May these narrations inspire us to appreciate and emulate the exemplary qualities of Hadrat Khadija and recognize her vital role in the early days of Islam! Hadith 1: عَنْعَائِشَةَرضیاللهعنهاقَالَتْ: مَاغِرْتُعَلٰىامْرَأَةٍلِلنَّبِيِّصلیاللهعليهوآلهوسلممَاغِرْتُعَلٰىخَدِيْجَةَ،هَلَکَتْقَبْلَأَنْيَّتَزَوَّجَنِي،لِمَاکُنْتُأَسْمَعُهُيَذْكُرُهَا،وَأَمَرَهُاللهُأَنْيُبَشِّرَهَابِبَيْتٍمِنْقَصَبٍ،وَإِنْکَانَلَيَذْبَحُالشَّاةَفَيُهْدِيفِيخَلَائِلِهَامِنْهَامَايَسَعُهُنَّ. مُتَّفَقٌعَلٰىهِ. Narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): I have never felt jealous of any woman as I felt jealous of Khadijah, even though she had died before I married the Prophet (peace be upon him). This was because I used to hear him mention her often, and Allah commanded him to give her the glad tidings of a palace made of pearls. Whenever he would slaughter a sheep, he would send some of its meat to her friends, enough to satisfy them. This hadith is agreed upon. (Sahih Bukhari, Book: The Virtues of the Companions of the Prophet, Chapter: The Marriage of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to Khadijah and Her Virtue, 3/1388, Hadith number: 3605/ Sahih Muslim, Hadith number: 2435/ Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal 6/58, Hadith number: 24355/ Al-Sunan Al-Kubra, 7/307, Hadith number: 14574) The hadith highlights Hadrat Khadija’s esteemed status in the Prophet's heart, as he often spoke of her positively. Allah’s command to give her the glad tidings of a palace in Paradise emphasizes her significance. The Prophet's practice of sharing meat from slaughtered sheep with her friends shows his continued respect and affection for Hadrat Khadija even after her death. Hadith 2: عَنْهِشَامٍ،عَنْأَبِيْهِقَالَ: سَمِعْتُعَبْدَاللهِبْنَجَعْفَرٍ،عَنْعَلِيِّبْنِأَبِيطَالِبٍرضياللهعنهعَنِالنَّبِيِّﷺقَالَ: خَيْرُنِسَاءِهَامَرْيَمُوَخَيْرُنِسَائِهَاخَدِيْجَةُ. مُتَّفَقٌعَلٰىهِ. Translation: Narrated by Hadrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him): The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "The best of the women of her time is Maryam (Mary), and the best of the women of her time is Khadijah." This hadith is agreed upon. (Sahih Bukhari, Book: The Virtues of the Companions of the Prophet, Chapter: The Marriage of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to Khadijah and Her Virtue, 3 / 1388, Hadith number: 3604/ Sahih Muslim, 4 /1886, Hadith number: 2430/ Al-Musannaf by Ibn Abi Shaybah, 6/390, Hadith number: 32289) In this hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) identifies Hadrat Khadija as one of the best women of her time, alongside Maryam (Mary – peace be upon her). This illustrates her remarkable character, righteousness, and the honor she holds in Islamic tradition. By placing Hadrat Khadija in such a high regard, the Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasizes her pivotal role in supporting him during the early, challenging days of Islam. Hadith 3: عَنْعَائِشَةَقَالَتْ: لَمْيَتَزَوَّجِالنَّبِيُّﷺعَلٰىخَدِيْجَةَحَتَّىمَاتَتْ. رَوَاهُمُسْلِمٌ. Translation: Narrated by Hadrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): She said, "The Prophet (peace be upon him) did not marry anyone while Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) was alive." (This narration was reported by Imam Muslim in Al-Sahih, Book: The Virtues of the Companions, Chapter: The Virtues of Khadijah, Mother of the Believers, 4 / 1889, Hadith number: 2436, and by Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak, 3 / 205, Hadith number: 4855, and by Abdul Ibn Hamid in Al-Musnad, 1 / 429, Hadith number: 1475) This hadith emphasizes Hadrat Khadija’s unique position as the only wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him) during her lifetime. His decision not to marry anyone else while she was alive reflects the deep bond and respect he had for her, showcasing her as a model of a devoted wife. Hadith 4: عَنْأَنَسٍرضیاللهعنه: أَنَّالنَّبِيَّﷺقَالَ: حَسْبُکَمِنْنِسَاءِالْعَالَمِيْنَمَرْيَمُبِنْتُعِمْرَانَ،وَخَدِيْجَةُبِنْتُخُوَيْلِدٍ،وَفَاطِمَةُبِنْتُمُحَمَّدٍ،وَآسِيَةُامْرَأَةُفِرْعَوْنَ. رَوَاهُالتِّرْمِذِيُّ. Narrated by Hadrat Anas (may Allah be pleased with him): He reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Among the women of the worlds, four are sufficient for you: Maryam bint 'Imran, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad (peace be upon him), and Asia, the wife of Pharaoh." (This narration was reported by Imam Tirmidhi in Al-Sunan, Book: The Virtues, Chapter: The Virtue of Khadijah, 5/702, Hadith number: 3878, and by Ahmad in Al-Musnad, 3 / 135, Hadith number: 12414, Ibn Hibban in Al-Sahih, 15 / 464, Hadith number: 7003, and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak, 3 / 171, Hadith number: 4745) In this hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) highlights four women as exemplary figures in history, with Hadrat Khadija being one of them. This recognition signifies her outstanding qualities and the importance of her character in the context of female role models in Islam. It also serves to elevate her status among all women, past and present. Hadith 5: عَنِابْنِعَبَّاسٍقَالَ: خَطَّرَسُولُاللهِﷺفِيالْأَرْضِأَرْبَعَةَخُطُوْطٍ،قَالَ: أَتَدْرُوْنَمَاهَذَا؟فَقَالُوا: اللهُوَرَسُولُهُأَعْلَمُ،فَقَالَرَسُولُاللهِﷺ: أَفْضَلُنِسَاءِأَهْلِالْجَنَّةِ: خَدِيْجَةُبِنْتُخُوَيْلِدٍ،وَفَاطِمَةُبِنْتُمُحَمَّدٍ،وَآسِيَةُبِنْتُمُزَاحِمٍامْرَأَةُفِرْعَوْنَ،وَمَريَمُابْنَةُعِمْرَانَ،رَضِيَاللهُعَنْهُنَّأَجْمَعِيْنَ. رَوَاهُأَحْمَدُوَابْنُحِبَّانَوَالْحَاکِمُ. Translation: Narrated by Hadrat Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him): He said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) drew four lines on the ground and asked, "Do you know what these are?" They replied, "Allah and His Messenger know best." He (peace be upon him) then said: "The best women of the people of Paradise are: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Asia bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam bint 'Imran." May Allah be pleased with all of them. (This narration was reported by Ahmad ibn Hanbal in Al-Musnad, 1/293, Hadith number: 2668, Ibn Hibban in Al-Sahih, 15 / 470, Hadith number: 7010, and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak, 2/539, Hadith number: 3836) The Prophet’s act of drawing lines in the sand and stating that Khadija is among the best women of Paradise emphasizes her extraordinary virtue and faith. By naming her among other revered figures, it underscores her eternal place in Islamic history and the high regard she holds in the eyes of Allah. Hadith 6: عَنْأَنَسٍ،قَالَ: کَانَالنَّبِيُّﷺإِذَاأُتِيَبِالشَّيئِيَقُوْلُ: اذْهَبُوْابِهِإِلٰىفُلَانَةٍ،فَإِنَّهَاکَانَتْصَدِيْقَةَخَدِيْجَةَ،اذْهَبُوْابِهِإِلٰىبَيْتِفُلَانَةٍ،فَإِنَّهَاکَانَتْتُحِبُّخَدِيْجَةَ. رَوَاهُالْبُخَارِيُّفِيالْأَدَبِ. Translation: Hadrat Narrated by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him): He said, "Whenever something was brought to the Prophet (peace be upon him), he would say: 'Take it to so-and-so, for she was a friend of Khadijah,' or 'Take it to the house of so-and-so, for she loved Khadijah.'" (This narration was reported by Imam Bukhari in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, 1/90, Hadith number: 232, and by Al-Dulabi in Al-Dhurriyyah Al-Tahirah, 1/41, Hadith number: 40) This hadith illustrates the Prophet's ongoing acknowledgment of Khadija’s friendships after her passing. His instructions to send gifts to her friends indicate his appreciation for their connection and his desire to honour Hadrat Khadija's memory. It reflects the importance of relationships and community, as well as the Prophet's kindness. Hadith 7: عَنِالزُّهْرِيِّقَالَ: کَانَتْخَدِيْجَةُأَوَّلَمَنْآمَنَبِرَسُوْلِاللهِﷺمِنَالنَّسَاءِ. رَوَاهُالْحَاکِمُ. Translation: Narrated by Al-Zuhri (may Allah be pleased with him): He said, "Khadijah was the first to believe in the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) among the women." (This narration was reported by Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak 'ala Al-Sahihain, 3/203, Hadith number: 4844, by Al-Bayhaqi in Al-Sunan Al-Kubra, 6/367, Hadith number: 12859, and by Al-Dulabi in Al-Dhurriyyah Al-Tahirah, 1/30, Hadith number: 16) This hadith marks Khadija as the first woman to accept Islam, demonstrating her courage and unwavering faith in the Prophet (peace be upon him) during the early days of revelation. Her immediate acceptance signifies her remarkable character, her readiness to support the Prophet in his mission, and her pivotal role in the establishment of Islam. Conclusion Hadrat Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with her) was more than just the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him); she was his steadfast companion, supporter, and confidante. Her unwavering faith, sacrifices, and generosity played a crucial role in the early days of Islam, laying the foundation for the growth of the Muslim community. Through her noble character, devotion to her husband, and service to Islam, Hadrat Khadijah’s legacy continues to inspire Muslims across the world. As the first woman to embrace Islam, the mother of the Prophet’s children, and a recipient of divine greetings, Hadrat Khadijah’s life serves as a shining example of faith, resilience, and love for Allah and His Messenger. May Allah be pleased with her and grant her the highest ranks in Paradise. ------ A regular Columnist with, Ghulam Ghaus Siddiqi Dehlvi is a Classical Islamic scholar with a rich Sufi Madrasa background and expertise in English-Arabic-Urdu translation. URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism