By Mohammed Khaku for New Age Islam 7 January 2025 Those who rejoice in the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad in Syria by agents of imperialism and Zionism may find their joy and celebration to be short-lived. The Zionist occupation of Syria is comparable to of Palestine, as Muslims are often perceived as gullible, indifferent, and divided along sectarian lines. The Muslim Ummah will face consequences for this ostrich like attitude, burying their heads in the sand instead of recognizing their grim reality. Bashar al-Assad ------ Syria Is Now Carved Into Three Occupation Zones The Zionist-controlled south, Turkey’s northwest, and a US-controlled northeast boasting most of Syria’s farmland and energy resources which will be exploited. Those who collaborated in Syria’s destruction are traitors to the Islamic Ummah and the Arab rulers are de facto agents of the Zionist (Dajjal). This is not an endorsement of Asad's oppressive and dictatorial regime; however, the reality is that entire Arab world is replete with tyrants such as MBS, al-Sisi, the Al Thani family (Qatar), the Al Khalifa family (Bahrain), the Al Maktoum family and the Al Zayed family (UAE). These Pharaohs and Kings are apprehensive and nervous after Assad's ouster due to thousands of political prisoners and human rights violations. Their fate may mirror that of Assad. Arab rulers of the Middle East seem to suffer amnesia to have forgotten the fates of Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. The United States has overthrown fourteen governments since the Second World War. The USA and UK have consistently supplied billions of dollars in military armaments to oppressive dictators. Why, then, did Assad become a candidate for regime change after being invited to Buckingham Palace by the Queen? Was he any less brutal at that time? Asad's true offense was his refusal to relinquish the Golan Heights, his resistance to becoming a puppet of the West and his genuine support for the Axis of Resistance in their fight against Zionist war criminals. The fall of Assad is attributed to deceit, duplicity, and hypocrisy of the Syrian army, Arab monarchies, and Western colonial powers. However, an unforeseen consequence of Asad's downfall may be that it causes anxiety among Arab rulers and oppressive leaders due to the possible domino effect. This situation cannot be considered favourable, even though Syria has been plunged into chaos which it may not recover from for decades. Why the media been so eager to portray al-Jolani as a "moderate?" What actions has he done to deserve such accolades? HTS is headed by a fugitive with a ten million dollar ransom. Al-Jolani emerged from the guts of al-Qaeda and is an ‘alumnus’ of the Bucca and Abu Ghraib prison camp in Iraq. This individual, who excelled in torture, beheadings, and rape, went on to establish a Caliphate in Mosul, only to overnight become a freedom fighter. It’s like “putting lipstick on a pig”. What hypocrisy! Al-Jolani has discarded his turban, trimmed his beard, and now wears a suit and tie, which some believe is influenced by Zionist and USA creations. HTS is a dangerous chameleon, frequently changing its names, emblems, flags, and affiliations from Al Qaeda to ISIS (Daesh), then to Al Nusra, the Free Syrian Army, White Helmets, and various other entities over time. HTS Is The Same Side Of The Coin As Al-Qaeda The overthrow of Assad by Al Jolani has diverted attention from Israel's military actions in Gaza. The occupation of the Golan Heights and the West Bank continues without any humanitarian considerations. The Zionist occupying forces have destroyed the Syrian air force, naval vessels, and radar installations, while occupying the Golan Heights and displacing thousands of people. When questioned about criminal activities, Al-Jolani asserted that he had expelled Iran and Hezbollah from Syria. Al-Jolani is considered a key partner in achieving this objective and has facilitated the removal of Russians and Iranians from Syria to create Greater Israel. The Zionists are determined to destroy Masjid-al-Aqsa and construct the mythical Third Temple. The fanatical Zionists have made no secret of this intention. The unreliable and deceitful Arab rulers are perceived as instruments of Israel and Western powers. These illegitimate regimes seem to have no problem with being under Zionist influence. The Zionists' insatiable desire for land will lead to the annexation of more countries. The broader Zionist scheme, known as the Greater Israel project, envisions expansion from the Euphrates to the Nile. What can prevent them? The Zionists' ultimate objective is to destroy Islamic Republic of Iran, but they want the United States to do it for them. Will the United States engage in this unlawful proxy war, or will wiser minds prevail in Washington? The neo-conservative Zionist warmongers perceive that wars benefit the US economy and the Military-industrial complex. There are nearly half a billion Arabs and almost two and a half billion Muslims. Are we at the mercy of fewer than ten million Zionist fanatical messianic-millenarian extremist Zionist Jews who are bent on our destruction? While Muslims are engaged in conflicts over minor issues such as the position of hands during prayers or the commemoration of Ashura, our adversaries are exploiting these divisions to undermine our peace and stability. Are Bedouin Arab leaders so negligent and forgetful that they cannot recognize the imminent threat to themselves, as Moammar al-Qaddafi, with his foresight, warned his fellow Arab leaders at the March 2008 Arab summit? When will Arab leaders rise to unite the Muslim Ummah and put an end to the reign of the genocidal Zionist Dajjal? --- Mohammed Khaku was born and raised in Mombasa, Kenya and in 1972 travelled to the UK for further studies. In 1980 moved to the USA and began his public service with Allentown Muslim Community in 1985 URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism
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