By Daud Khan Jul 3, 2022 Every time a state government has passed a cow-protection law, we've unfailingly described it as a breach of secularism, as fascism and Sanghi authoritarianism. After all, why should we be forced to comply with some other religion's taboos, right? But insulting the Prophet is an Islamic taboo, and no other religion prescribes punishment for insulting him. So how correct is it that we demand non-Muslim blasphemers to be put in jail for not complying with an aspect of Muslim law? It's not about condemning beheadings or murders. Any civilized person would do that. It’s about reforming this mind-set that we can impose our own respect for the Prophet on other people. We make a huge deal of how hurt we feel when the Prophet is dishonoured, but do we stop to imagine how hurt many Hindus feel when their object of worship/reverence is mercilessly slaughtered and its flesh eaten in broad daylight? How much more blasphemous can you get? Will it be fine if anyone having beef in their fridge be sent to jail? Should a community's religious taboos be imposed on us? Maybe you're fine with giving special protection to the cow (though you're actually not, and will never accept this in a Muslim-dominated state), but what if some other community comes and says they worship chicken? Would you stop eating chicken also to please them? Where will this end? To state the obvious, you cannot demand punishment for non-Muslim blasphemers just like those who hold the cow sacred, cannot demand beef laws in the country. That fact that the latter exists is irrelevant because we recognise such laws as unjust. The sad part is that it was our intellectuals who were supposed to drill this in our heads and expose this double-standard, but most of them chose take the easy route and play to the galleries. All of us know people around us who want blasphemers to be punished. I know it's not always safe to confront them, but in the case of those we trust, we can perhaps make a start and point out the double-standard when this topic comes in a conversation. Source: Are We Morally Entitled To Take The Prophet's Blasphemers To Court? URL: New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism
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