
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Islam’s emphasis on equal respect to all prophets and all religions, Letter to the Editor,

Islam and Spiritualism

Islam’s emphasis on equal respect to all prophets and all religions

By Asma Uddin

February 19, 2010

Scholar and author Omid Safi is best known to many Muslim Americans as being at the forefront of the Progressive Muslims movement, which finds in Islamic spirituality a powerful voice for social justice and pluralism. In his latest book, "Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters" (Harper Collins), Safi explores the origins of that spirituality: the character and being of the Prophet Muhammad.

For Muslims, the book is a refreshing call to return to our spiritual roots, an element of faith that these days seems to be lost in the constant social commentary we are forced to engage in about Islam. For non-Muslims, Safi's explanation of Muhammad as the bridge between humanity and the Divine, insofar as emulating him brings one closer to God, helps explain the connection Muslims have to their Prophet. It helps others feel as devout Muslims feel. In a time when the Prophet is so deeply misunderstood, such an emotional bond can go a long way in healing inter-religious wounds.

What makes Safi's prose ingenious - indeed, what makes it especially relevant - is the way it moves back and forth between biographical details of the Prophet to the ways these historical points have been interpreted and emulated by Muslims. For instance, the Prophet's journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his journey from Jerusalem to the Heavens to meet his Maker - considered by some to be a physical journey in one night and others to be a dream or vision - signifies first his connection to Jesus' and Moses' message and then his ultimate communion with the Divine.

The first part of this journey, along with the Prophet's meeting with Adam, Jesus, John the Baptist, Joseph, Enoch, Aaron, Moses and Abraham during the latter part, underscores the commonality of the Abrahamic faiths and the sanctity of each. Some Muslims reject this reading of Scripture, choosing instead to believe that the Qur'an supersedes rather than affirms previous revelations. While it may be true that there are theological details that the three monotheistic faiths cannot ever agree on, there is ample Qur'anic proof of the essential connection among Islam, Judaism, Christianity and a wide scope of spiritual traditions.